# Change this to change the priority of the chat listener (useful if you have other plugins that modify chat) # Don't change this unless you know what you're doing # Listeners are called in following order: LOWEST -> LOW -> NORMAL -> HIGH -> HIGHEST -> MONITOR chat-priority: HIGH
Added the ability to send messages to the console (deactivated by default if you don't update the config, but activated by default if you regenerate the config)
Added two new bot conversation types: Broadcast: only those who execute the "/chatgpt broadcast" command can talk to the bot but all users of the server will be able to see the conversation.
Full: When someone runs the "/chatgpt full" command everyone will be able to communicate with the bot and see the replies.
The config has been updated, it is recommended to regenerate it.
The permission system has been changed:
/chatgpt | /chatgpt single ->
minecraftgpt.command.single /chatgpt broadcast ->
minecraftgpt.command.broadcast /chatgpt full ->