What it does, it does very well. Unfortunately doesn't have a command to delete the Mineblock, and it doesn't have the ability to remove the Mineblock after it's been broke X amount of times (at least that I know of)
Hi, how can I put my things that I made for myself, for example a special Coin, into the rewards??
Without commands, because there is no command for that
Please contact me on our support discord and tell me what is not working in 1.19 versions. Because the plugin should work on them too
Version: 2.0.3
MineBlocks is so quick and easy to configure, the GUI makes it foolproof! The Dev is really on the ball with bug fixes too. Fun addition to any server!
Hello. As you wrote on our discord, you fixed this issue yourself by installing dependencies. So it was your fault. Can you please remove or change your review?
Version: 1.3
Plugin vypadá dobře, i se dá lehce nastavit, ale nastavit odměny je utrpení... A argument typu "máš zajít na discord" co to je? prostě to má být vysvětleno tady, a né abych byl nucen hned po instalaci na discord a čekat, až někdo odpoví.. škoda :/
Really great plugin, definitely #1 if you want mining blocks or nexuses for servers. Configuration is a bit rough but otherwise the final result is amazing, especially when using effects.
Also works on 1.18.2 without any issues, i'm really thankful for that.
// Message for some of my CZ/SK fellow server owners.
Všimol som si že tento plugin používa aj veľa naších serverov, je to fakt super a definitívne odporúčam. Myslím že aj najväčšie servery u nás používajú práve tento.