MineBlocks icon

MineBlocks -----

Easy to use plugin, that allows you to create "Mine blocks" on your server

Version: 2.1.4
A really good plugin, I hope its support will last a really long time. I heartily recommend it to everyone! :)

Version: 2.1
What it does, it does very well. Unfortunately doesn't have a command to delete the Mineblock, and it doesn't have the ability to remove the Mineblock after it's been broke X amount of times (at least that I know of)
Author's response
Hello, just submit a suggestion on our discord next time. This feature will be added soon

Version: 2.1
Amazing plugin and even better support. The support response is very fast. 10/10, I recommend it.

Version: 2.0.6
Skvelý plugin, nemám čo vytknúť na plugine. Skvelý developer, odpisuje a časté updaty.

Version: 2.0.6
Hi, how can I put my things that I made for myself, for example a special Coin, into the rewards??
Without commands, because there is no command for that

Version: 2.0.4
Prosím o aktualizaci na verzi 1.19+. Byl bych moc vděčný, ale plugin vypada dobre. Jen bych zjednodusil nastavovani odměn
Author's response
Please contact me on our support discord and tell me what is not working in 1.19 versions. Because the plugin should work on them too

Version: 2.0.3
MineBlocks is so quick and easy to configure, the GUI makes it foolproof! The Dev is really on the ball with bug fixes too. Fun addition to any server!
Author's response
Thank you for the review!

Version: 2.0.1
please help if I write this: /mb create stone
it sayng: There was an error performing this command
Author's response
Hello. As you wrote on our discord, you fixed this issue yourself by installing dependencies. So it was your fault. Can you please remove or change your review?

Version: 1.3
Plugin vypadá dobře, i se dá lehce nastavit, ale nastavit odměny je utrpení... A argument typu "máš zajít na discord" co to je? prostě to má být vysvětleno tady, a né abych byl nucen hned po instalaci na discord a čekat, až někdo odpoví.. škoda :/
Author's response
Díky za hodnocení.
Pokusím se najít si čas na předělání systému na odměny a udělání wiki

Version: 1.2.2
Perfektní plugin, super podpora na discordu.. Určitě doporučuji tento plugin.

Jediné co bych vylepšil je dělání odměn ve hře, je to dost složité a určitě by to šlo zjednodušit.
Author's response
Děkuji za hodnocení. S tou úpravou odměn ve hře naprosto souhlasím, teď to ale není moje největší priorita.

Version: 1.2.2
Plugin funguje skvěle až na jednu maličkost nelze nastavit rewardy. Víte někdo jak pomoci?
Author's response
Sice nevím, proč to píšeš sem, ale na support discordu ti někdo určitě pomůže. Zde máš invite: https://discord.gg/uqCNyxJeB3

Version: 1.2.2
The best developer, communicative, nice, responds quickly to the message. I can recommend the plugin

Version: 1.1
Super plugin môžem iba odporučiť, jedine mi nejako v ňom nefungujú rewards commandy inak veľmi dobrý plugin

Version: 1.1
Tento plugin používám už delší dobu a nikdy jsem nedal hodnocení.
Tak dneska to změním. Úžasný plugin, lepší než nexus block.
Author's response
Díky za review!

Version: 1.1
Really great plugin, definitely #1 if you want mining blocks or nexuses for servers. Configuration is a bit rough but otherwise the final result is amazing, especially when using effects.
Also works on 1.18.2 without any issues, i'm really thankful for that.

// Message for some of my CZ/SK fellow server owners.
Všimol som si že tento plugin používa aj veľa naších serverov, je to fakt super a definitívne odporúčam. Myslím že aj najväčšie servery u nás používajú práve tento.
Author's response
Díky za review!

Version: 1.0
+ Funguje dobře
+ Jednoduché nastavení
- Nepodporuje CMI hologramy

Doporučuju tento plugin

Version: 0.9.5
The best plugin for mining blocks on spigot. Big thumb up. Good job and i am look forward to your new plugins.

Version: 0.9
Good plugin, this is what I was looking for.
Thank you for the plugin and keep up the good work!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 4,415
First Release: Oct 27, 2021
Last Update: May 19, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Find more info at mb.raixo.cz...
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