Localization manager based on CordellDB (
Main idea, that every MenuWindow will have own CDB for translation
For creation a new localization file you will need:
- Every line of file - one component
- Key and value in CordellDB separated by ":"
- Key should have LNG_ prefix. Also key should copy name of component for localization
- Example: EN_button1:ButtonName/ButtonLore
- Example: EN_panel:InventoryName/-
- Example: IT_button1:ButtonNome/ButtonStoria
- Example: RU_button1:Кнопка/- (- means saving lore (Or name))
Then just get panel with lang (from prefix), and show it for player:
- Example: windowMenu.getPanel("panel1", "RU").getView(player);
- Avoid localization for panels
- Remember that MenuFramework don`t know player`s native language. You should detect this by yourself.