Hello, i am new developer sry for my plugin if plugin dosnt working currectly
Plugins tested on 1.19.4 versions!
Descriptions: MediaCode plugin is base on media side, with mediacode you can add more rewards options inside config.yml file! support mysql/sql database!
With mediacode you can created a code to player who makes live/video about your server! when code is created and give player, that player can't redeem own code! he can give another player to redeem, that player will get reward base on config.yml!
redeem command you can setup playtime, when player can read that code (playtime working all redeem only)
Player Commands (don't need permissions):
/redeem <code>
Admin Command (permissions: mediacode.admin)
/createcode <code> <player_name> <rewards1>
small info: <player_name> base on creator ingame username, when player try redeem code he will checking <player_name> with player who will try redeem code
If you have some problems with plugin pleas contacting with me discord: mosszytre#1255