Fixed a big bug and added new commands
Fixed an error that occurs when you interact with an item in your hand, the itemstack you have in that hand will go from the amount you had to 1.
new commands:
Get Command
Code (Text):
/mechanics adapter get <id> <amount>
**this is to get an item through the AdapterID system that contains all the compatibilities**
Code (Text):
/mechanics adapter get "or:ruby" 1
/mechanics adapter get "mc:stone" 1
/mechanics adapter get "mythic:testItem" 1
Give Command
Code (Text):
/mechanics adapter give <player> <id> <amount>
**this is to get an item through the AdapterID system that contains all the compatibilities**
Code (Text):
/mechanics adapter give Wuason6x9 "or:ruby" 1
/mechanics adapter give @a "mc:stone" 1
/mechanics adapter give @s "mythic:testItem" 1
Get Adapter ID Command
Code (Text):
/mechanics adapter getAdapterID
**This command shows you the adapterId of the item you have in hand if you don't have an item in hand nothing will be shown.**