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McDeob -----

A simple tool to deobfuscate and decompile vanilla Minecraft


is a simple tool to de-obfuscate and decompile vanilla Minecraft code.

You may be asking yourself "But Shane, aren't there already tools that do this?" .... well yes there are. But this one is different. Most de-obfuscators are run from console. Generally they're fairly simple to use, but some people find these tasks a little convoluted. McDeob takes the guess work out for you and provides a simple to use GUI. Simply download, run, click a couple buttons and you are good to go.

How it works:
Theres a few steps:
1) Download:
The download step downloads the jar (client or server) as well as the corresponding mappings

2) De-obfuscate:
McDeob uses a tool called "SpecialSource" by md_5 (this is the same tool used internally by Spigot/BuildTools), a ProGuard de-obfuscator. It runs thru the download jar and mappings to remap the project. This process takes around 6 seconds.

3) Decompile (optional):
McDeob uses a tool called "FernFlower" (originally created by JetBrains I believe) which takes the jar file, and decompiles it into usable java code.
This process can take upwards of about 15 minutes (usually 10-15 minutes during my testing)

How to install:
It's simple, click the download link. If you are on Windows/Linux use the jar option and if you are on macOS use the macOS dmg file.
Put the file wherever you'd like and run it.
The output files will be placed in your user's home directory under a new directory called "McDeob"

How to use:
Simply open the app, choose either server or client, choose your version and choose whether or not to decompile.
Click start.

For more info on how this works, please check out the WIKI

Visual Example:
Here is a little example of how the program looks

The output files are strictly for your use only. Do NOT upload the decompiled code to anywhere like GitHub, as this is still propriety Minecraft code. The mappings hold a Microsoft copyright stating this is for personal use only.
As of August 14th, 2020, the mappings include a new copyright. This copyright states you are allowed to use the mappings to deobfuscate Minecraft code for your project.
Mojang/Microsoft copyrights still stand as normal with the actually jar files. These mapping updates do not allow you to deobfuscated then upload/post Mojang code anywhere.
Please ensure you are reading the copyright notice of the mappings you are using, and adhere to the guidelines of said copyright.

The output files from this program will be missing a bunch of classes, that is because classes that are not obfuscated will be skipped, this is to keep the runtime of this app down. With that said, the decompiler breaks a lot of the code, so between that and the missing classes, you won't be able to rebuilt the Minecraft jar with this output. It is strictly for your enjoyment only, so you can see how the code is written.

- All versions are included (releases and snapshots)
- These verions use Mojang mappings (as that is when Mojang started distributing their mappings)
- Includes only last release per major release cycle for 1.7.10 to 1.13.2 (Mappings are manually generated and it's a time consuming process)
- These versions use Searge mappings (the ones Forge uses) and they're awful (Classes are all remapped, but only a small amount of fields/methods are remapped).

Source Code:
This app is open source. Please feel free to contribute if you feel up to it :)
You can find the source code on GitHub

If you have any issues or suggestions, please pop them up on the GitHub Issue Tracker. If you simply have a question please use the discussion tab.

While I do appreciate all reviews, please do not use the review section to request new features or tell me about bugs. Use the appropriate channels for that.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,314
First Release: Apr 25, 2020
Last Update: Oct 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings