Marry: /marry <player>
Accept Marriage: /marry accept
Deny Marriage: /marry deny
Divorce a player: /marry divorce <player>
Reload the plugin: /marry reload
Plugin help: /marry help
Code (YAML):
# Marry Plugin Configuration # Plugin by MistEU # For Sounds: # version: 0.1 marry-message: "&6%player1% &eand &6%player2% &eare now married!"# The message displayed when two players get married. request-sound: "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP"# The sound played when a marriage request is sent. divorce-message: "&6%player1% &eand &6%player2% &eare now divorced!"# The message displayed when two players get divorced. already-married-message: "&cYou are already married to %player%."# The message displayed when a player is already married. marry-prefix: "&8[&dMarry&8]&7 "# Marry Prefix