+ Added new options for item stock
- shift left clicking will now take all valid items from your inventory to add to the stock
- Right clicking will allow you to withdraw items from the stock.
+ Server markets are now always the first market in the view all menu
+ Added openserver option to admin command.
+ Fixed issue with banned users being able to use the view command to enter the market still.
The new openserver option is used like:
/markets admin <target> openserver [category]
/markets admin ItsMeKiran openserver
or if you want to open a specific category within the server market you specify it as the last option like:
/markets admin ItsMeKiran openserver food
+ Fixed issue with market offers, it was setting the offer qty to the entire stack.
+ Fixed issue where the item would be removed after accepting an offer for the entire stock rather than setting the stock to 0
+ Added a quantity option in the offer creation gui to specify how much of the item you want.
+ Added Server Market option to /markets admin. It works just like a normal player market but allows you to have a separate market for "server items" rather than having a staff member use their market then add an infinite item.
+ Also in server markets, offers are disabled for items, and a new button to make the item infinite is shown in the item add gui.
+ Fixed full inventory bank withdrawal causing items to be lost
+ Fixed issue where empty markets should still show in the global view (if an item was in a category but the stock of that item was 0, it was being considered non empty)
+ Added option to block specific items, items w/model data, items w/blocked words in it's name/lore
+ Added toggle for switching between viewing all transactions and just yours. By default the button is hidden unless you have the perm:
markets.viewalltransactions or if you disable the permission requirement.
+ Re-added the MySQL storage option. If you're setting up the plugin for the first time make sure to turn on the database option otherwise it will use SQLite and you won't be able to convert to MySQL, at least for now.
+ Added additional confirmations for sensitive actions (like deleting items/categories)
+ Forced the offline payment to drop items synchronously
+ Added translations for the currency item in the currency picker
+ (This one is temporary) - /markets transactions will show EVERY transaction not just offline transactions now.
+ Added option to view market as a customer
+ Added shift click multiplication setting for increment/decrement buttons in purchase menu
+ Added option to have the request menu show global requests first instead of yours.
- Sorry for long updates, I'm slowly going through all the feature requests made on the GitHub Repo, there's a lot soo its taking some time >_>
+ Added new admin subcommand - /markets admin collecttax
+ Added option so that tax that is charged will be collected into a separate bank account to be collected using that command above ^
+ Fixed the black listed currency system since it wasn't actually preventing said currencies from loading.
+ Added the option to override the currency icon with a custom one
+ Added the option to disable the vault currency and the vault hooked currency in the picker since they technically would be selected by default.
+ Updated XSeries to resolve skull texture issues on 1.21.1
+ Begin work on admin tax collection system ( I wanted to include it in this update but kinda ran out of time, it'll be included next update)
+ Reverted back to old way of applying player head textures.
+ Added a fallback texture if they can't be loaded.
+ Added support for EcoBits multi-currency
+ Fixed bug with view command opening overview menu if not owner
+ Updated internal dev library for 1.21.1 fixes
+ Added %market_cost% variable to initial create market button
+ When running the view command to view your own market it will open the settings for it rather than the buyer view.
+ Added ability to customize all command aliases.
+ Fixed translation generation issue
+ General bug fixes
+ Changed material picker to use newer version
+ Fixed a date formatting error
+ Fixed issue with transactions not showing < 1 values as the correct decimal (ie. 0.5)
+ Internal dev library updated
+ Fixed material picker bug where it wouldn't open the picker
+ Updated NBTAPI to fix issue with paper 1.21
+ Fixed bug where players could make a request without specifying the item they want
+ Updated NBTAPI
+ Updated Flight (My Dev Library)
+ All menus with custom head textures now use QuickItem
+ Fixed bug with market creation calling vault methods when using item only mode
+ Added option to view ratings left by other players in your market overview
+ Added support for 1.20.6
+ Fixed compile error, if you got the updated jar off the support server Markets channel earlier this week. You can skip this update
+ Fix offline player market deletion
+ Added a filter/sort button to global markets menu
+ Updated dev library
+ Hot fix regarding pagination buttons being in the wrong slots
+ Added admin delete command (/markets delete <player>)
+ Added variable %purchase_price% to all sale messages
+ Offline transaction alerts when you join (only shows if you had sales while you were offline)
+ Re-added the delete button to market overview (players have the option to delete their market if they want)
+ Resolved a bug with decoration items causing the category layout to become inaccessible
+ Added option to disable ratings and offers (By CoolDCB)
+ Fixed offers appearing in some guis (By CoolDCB)
+ Added option to disable wholesale (By CoolDCB)
+ Added option to disable layout editing (By CoolDCB)
+ Update the market saved username if a name change is detected
+ Added option to black list certain currencies from currency plugins that support multiple currencies.
+ Added option to specify the market category in the view command (/markets view ItsMeKiran food) for example.
+ Switch back to Auction House's GUI system since it's a lot more stable
+ Update dev library (resolves some nbt & skull issues)
+ With the switch to the auction house gui system, items should no longer be able to be pulled out (at least I couldn't when I switched back over)
+ Fix issue with macro adding bank items
+ Fix bug where you can offhand swap items out of the inventory
+ Update ultra economy dependency
+ Newly created transactions are immediately added to the manager
+ Updated dev library
+ Added option to make new items whole sale by default
+ Added 1.20.2 Support
+ Added "remove market item when out of stock" setting, disabled by default. When an item is bought and it's stock hits zero it won't be removed from the seller's market category automatically.
+ TransactionManager can be accessed to Markets#getTransactionManager()
+ Added a minimum item purchase requirement before you can review a market. (total amount of purchases is 1 by default, can be edited)
+ Updated the UltraEconomyAPI dependency & use new methods
+ Fixed bug where items would not drop if inventory is full when being removed from category
+ Made it easier for main menu customization
> Added row size option
> Added slot position for each item (use -1 to just hide it from that menu)
(!) That being said, if you have the bank/requests system off you would need to go in and change the slot positions since they aren't automatically moved anymore.
+ Added support for v1.20 (If anything is broken, open an issue on github or let me know on discord)
Consider supporting me on patreon (
+ Added option to disable the bank system (disabling removes ability to use items as currency)
+ Added reload command
+ Added Background configuration for all guis
+ Added setting to require main /markets command to need permission
+ Added /markets admin <player> openmain command - opens the main menu. Ideally used for NPCs
+ Fixed typo error in permission limits for items and categories
+ Adjusted logic for limit checks
+ Fixed bug where item limit would not calculate correct item count in all categories resulting in the limit to be bypassed
+ Fixed bug where if the market owner has the category edit open and someone buys an item that reduces stock, the owner could remove that item and be given the original stock qty and not updated.
+ Added -infinite flag to add command (markets.admin permission needed)
+ Added setting to disable the request system
+ Added /markets add <category> <price> [-nooffers, -wholesale]
+ Re-added floodgate check for mobile users to enforce above command
+ Shade gson to resolve dependency issue on 1.16
+ Added click type adjustment for editing background material for layouts
+ Added internal creation delay option (3 ticks) by default. Used in an attempt to stop dupe where players would click the add item button and close their inventory at the same. *not 100% confirmed fixed*
+ Fix issue with config and general folder generation.
+ Fixed currency display bug with item currency
+ Added default material/item option to currency picker when using item only mode
+ Fixed issue where enabled/disabled panes items were not showing correctly for item whole toggling
+ Force update the category edit menu if the user clicks an item that is no longer available
A complete recode from the ground up
I suggest updating to this during a server restart as you need to delete the markets folder. So if you don't have an upcoming reset, have users remove their items then perform the delete.
Honestly there's a lot of a changes, most things should be similar in the sense how you use them.
(!) Check the documentation for updated permissions, you will notice that is there far less commands. That's intentional as the new GUI process is a lot more user friendly. If you do want certain commands back, you can make a GitHub issue suggestion
(!) I suggest having users take out any items they have that are valuable, as this update requires a full folder reset (Markets folder).
- The config.yml is completely different
- The language folder/files is completely different
This doesn't include an import command, honestly the compatibility between v1 and v2 is causing too much problems to accurately import without loss. You can use still the export in v1 if you want, I'll eventually add an import.
Feel free to ask within the Markets channel on Discord
I'll try to answer any questions about the changes that were made. All the changes I made were what I thought were best. But ultimately in the end it's up to you guys whether you like them or want certain things changed/added back.
This will be the final release of v1 (assuming this nothing is broken with the export command). You will need to replace your current market's jar with this and run /markets export to export data into a flat file that can be imported into v2.
- Upkeeps and Featured market data is not transferred
You really only need to do this if you want to transfer stuff over, if you are going to be doing a reset, just use the 2.X jars as is when they are available.
+ Added a slight click delay to certain gui actions to prevent any multiple click dupes.
+ Closed issue #8 regarding search.
(!) There probably won't be any major updates until v2 is out.
+ Removed old chat inputs, new chat input system displays title & subtitle as well. Also fixes problem where you can't execute commands after cancelling
+ 1.19.3 Support
+ Added experimental backup on start (Only enable if you are using MySQL, this setting will be removed automatically whenever it's fully implemented for flat file backups as well)
+ Fix issue where mobile players can use add command w.o provided category or price resulting in the gui to open (Closes #9)
+ Fix bank withdrawl bug (closes #6)
+ Further precautions regarding mobile users using certain guis.
+ Fixed bug where leaving would cause the item being added to disappear
+ Fixed issue where the add item button would still be shown to mobile users within the market edit gui
+ Updated core
+ Fixed bug with /markets settings throwing unknown method error
+ Mobile users will be forced to use the /markets add item command (they'll see a unique item within the category settings gui
+ Mobile users will no longer be able to if the price for an item is for the stack within the gui.
+ Market deletion is done asynchronously now. (May be changed later)
+ 1.19 Support
(Next update will add in the requested features)
+ Fixed dupe bug with withdrawing bank currencies
+ Added -a command flag to the add item command to add multiple similar items at once to your market.
+ Fixed dupe bug with custom currency option within gui
+ Added setting to disable textured player heads in favour of other materials.
+ Fixed bug where the max amount of items per request can be bypassed when using the request gui
+ Added a button the the request fulfillment menu for admin users to delete the request
+ Fixed issue with entering numbers with chat color
+ Added setting to adjust the date format
+ Added option to disable search button
+ Request only mode
+ Added new request button within your open request menu
+ The new request menu allows you to use a material picker so you can request items you don't have (shift + right click) the empty/request item slot in order to open the picker
+ Fixed issue with other material pickers where it would show invalid items (empty / air) spots in the gui
+ Fixed item flow within bank and payment guis
+ Added border to payment gui
+ The bank GUI now has a payments button
+ Fixed auto save lag
+ Changes made again to the show request -L command
+ fixed bug where blocked items could not be removed from gui
+ fixed bug where a blocked item could be added using the gui still
+ payment collection menu now goes back to the open request menu
+ the open request menu cancel all request button fixed, deleting a request now updates the menu correctly
+ reduced lag caused show request command
+ view command fixed, market owners can now see their own market while others can't if closed
+ if the market fee cannot be paid, the market will be set to closed automatically
+ help command /markets - main description translates properly
+ if view all markets is disabled, the feature button will be hidden
+ bank gui close goes to main menu
+ moved search criteria to api
+ added message for searching using gui
+ added bank and search button in main gui
+ search will now read the item name in hand if no query is provided
+ You can disable the view all button in the main menu
+ You can make the close button within the market view outright close the menu rather than going back to the listing.
+ Fixed getTag error
+ When searching, the query is checked in its plural / non plural forms
+ Update to latest core
+ Added setting to only display markets that have items in them
+ You can no longer change the item quantity when buying an item marked as price per stack
+ Fixed bug where the add item menu would not listen to the price per stack value
+ Added a translation option for the default market name
+ Added a setting to adjust the currency format string, by default its: "%,.2f"
+ Fixed console error with /markets help
+ Added 1.18 Support
(!) If you run into any errors/issues let me know on the discord server
1.18.0 - added sign system, added option to disable auto save msg, added options for money withdraw/deposit messages
+ Fixed an issue where when adding items using the GUI, it would not check for the max allowed items permission
+ Added support for UltraEconomy, when using UltraEconomy as an economy provider, you need to specify which currency you wish to use. For example: "economy provider: UltraEconomy:Gems"
Thank you to
@TechsCode for providing me with a copy of UltraEconomy so I can add support for not only this plugin, but all my premium plugins.
+ Added a confirmation menu for market/category deletion
+ When adding an item through the command and using the custom currency -c flag you can now open an item picker to chose the item you want as payment.
- Planned -
+ A request menu that lets you make new requests along w/the item picker when using custom currency.
+ Fixed bank currency withdrawal issue with stack sizes of 1
+ Fixed chat input issue not canceling if the user runs a command.
+ Fixed bug regarding add item menu when using custom currency, it would take the currency item w.o giving it back.
+ You can now charge additional fees per item in a market during the up keep charge. By default each item in the market will cost an extra $5 on top of the existing up keep fee, set to 0 to disable.
+ An attempted fix regarding a "rare" dupe issue with the add item menu.
+ Hot patch to fix bug regarding upkeep messaging, was missing check to see if the player was online
+ Fixed bug regarding chat inputs, if two players were using the chat input to make a category/name names/descs of their markets, whoever types it first will apply the new value to the other person.
+ You can now search all markets for specific items (/markets search <keywords>)
+ Switched to a new economy manager system (Supports: Vault, PlayerPoints, Reserve)
+ New config editor system, new pages will be created for settings if there is no more room in the gui.
+ Config editor is now more organized, meaning sections, toggles, strings/materials/sounds, and lists are all grouped appropriately.
+ Updated to latest TweetyCore
+ The bank system is finished, when running /markets bank it will now open a GUI, you can use add as the 1st command argument to add items.
+ You can now withdraw custom item currency from the bank GUI
+ Added an add item button to the market edit and category edit GUIs
+ Added a rating system to markets, when viewing a market, you can leave a rating if you wish to. (1-5 stars, messages are optional).
+ Added a market upkeep fee, this is disabled by default. If enabled markets will attempt to charge all market owners every week (can be changed) a fee to keep their market open. If they are unable to pay that fee, their market will be locked. When a market is locked, you cannot view it, buy from it, take out items, or even add any.
+ Added the command "/markets pay upkeep" which goes along with the feature just stated, this will pay your market fee and reopen it.
+ Added the command "/markets force save" which will force save all the data.
+ Fixed an issue with the market help command, the length comparator was broken since a syntax message wasn't found.
+ Added MySQL support, you can enable the database settings in /markets settings
+ The add item GUI will now tell you that you have to select a category in order to add an item
+ If you don't have any categories in your market while trying to use the add item GUI it will tell you that you need at least 1 category.
+ The default market description message can now be translated.
And finally, fixed some minor bugs.
Markets 1.6.0 (*Part 1*)
- Added Add Item GUI, this can be accessed by running just /markets add item
- Added custom currency usage for market items, when adding items using the command, you can provide the -c flag to state you want to use a custom currency instead of money.
- Requests are now bundled, meaning if you make a request of 5000 stone, it will display as a single head icon which can be clicked to then reveal the fulfillment items.
- Like the market items, you can now request items and give custom currency in return.
- Added a payment command (/markets payments)
- Added a payment gui, this replaces the request collection menu, it also acts as the collection for purchases done using custom currency (physical items)
- Added a bank system to go with the custom currency addition in requests. /markets bank will let you know the qty of custom items you added, you can add custom currency using /markets bank add while holding the item, you can also provide the flag -a which will add all similar items found in your inventory.
- If you make a request and you're paying using custom currency, you must make sure the item your paying with has been added to your bank.
- The bank system is still a work in progress, so there isn't a complete GUI for it, you also cannot withdraw items placed in your bank in part 1, part 2 will implement the GUI + item withdrawal
- Items requiring custom currency (physical items) will now show a tooltip / add additional lore to the market item or request stating that it requires it, you will also be able to right click to view the required currency.
- Added tax, this can be applied to either the buyer or seller
+++ The following are things that will be fully implemented/finished in part 2 +++
- A rating system where you can rate markets using a star rating system (1-5 stars)
- A featured / priority slot system, where users can pay to have their market featured first on the market list page.
- Sales for individual market categories
- GUI system for the banking system
- Removal of the old request system conversion, the time between updates should be enough for users to be up to date on the new request system.
thanks to
@sumsar1812 for helping me with some regex stuff <3
And of course, here are some gifs of the new features
+ Fixed issues regarding certain prompt messages not showing up / being color translated correctly.
+ When clicking the close button from inside a player market view, it will put you back to the market list menu rather than the home/main menu.
+ Increased performance regarding item loading
+ Fixed a bug that made the market view's 2nd row of categories be off by one slot.
+ Fixed bug where when using the remove command, it would not give the player their items back.
+ Added support for the PlayerPoints economy
+ Fixed a bug with shift clicking which allowed users to take items out of the menu.
+ Added an auto save, it is enabled by default, by default it auto saves every 15 minutes.
(!) Sorry for the "spam" update, but regarding the last update fix, I wanted to get this out as soon as possible.
+ Fixed an issue with the transaction menu not being able to find market ids
+ Fixed a bug that caused the new lang system to not load
+ Updated to latest Tweety core
+ Fixed a bug with hex codes not working correctly
+ Moved over to the new language system (your lang files will remain the same)
+ Added support for Spigot 1.17 R1
+ Updated to the latest TweetyCore
+ Added block items command and gui
+ Fixed bugs regarding tab completion
+ Added a setting to automatically create a market if a player doesn't have when when trying to access the market menu.
+ Updated to latest core