MarketPlace is a market plugin where all players can buy or/and sell their items with commands and GUI interface.
MarketPlace support 1.12.2 to 1.21.4 minecraft versions.
When players sell their items, items go in "listings" inventory and when items is selled or expired, it goes to "mails" inventory from player seller (if expired) or buyer (if buyed).
- MySQL 8.0 (optional now, since SQLite is available)
- Vault
How to sell items ?
/mp add <unit_price> to sell in listings inventory your items in your hand.
Currently, it sell all items of your hand, in next update i will add parameter to choose quantity.
Example :
You could remove your items in listings with Shift + Left click.
How to buy items ?
/mp listings to access inventory menu.
- Left click to buy one item.
- Middle click to buy custom quantity (enter quantity in chat).
- Right click to buy 64 items.
Example :
Buy an item forward it to mails inventory.
If you want to forward to your player inventory, access to mails inventory with
/mp mails and left click on items.
Mails inventory example :
Listings and Mails Inventory
Filters :
You could apply a filter by
Creation date,
Expiration date or
Price (ASC or DESC).
Advanced search :
Pagination :
Staff - How to remove items ?
When you have permission, you could remove items from listings (forward into player mails) and you could remove it from mails (forward to your inventory) with Shift and Right click.
Staff - How to check logs ?
Check all actions with /mp logs.
Example :
Commands and Permissions
Special Thanks
- LuckPerms for jar in jar system (to isolate some dependencies)
- Just2Craft network ( and specially Skycreep staff for their tests.
Community Discord
Copyright notice - FlatIcon
Icons made by
Freepik from