MagicCommands - AI Powered Commands! icon

MagicCommands - AI Powered Commands! -----

Can't think of the best way to write a command? Maybe forgot it? Just describe it!

MagicCommands Plugin Documentation
MagicCommands is a Minecraft Paper/Spigot plugin that leverages the OpenAI ChatGPT API to execute or suggest Minecraft commands based on user input. Players can use the /magic, /magicspell, and /magicquestion commands to interact with the plugin. The plugin can process natural language requests and convert them into executable Minecraft commands or provide helpful answers to Minecraft-related questions.

  • /magic: Converts player requests into Minecraft commands and executes them.
  • /magicspell: Converts player requests into Minecraft commands and suggests them, allowing the player to edit before execution.
  • /magicquestion: Answers Minecraft-related questions and displays the response to the player.
  • Plugin Integration: Automatically detects installed plugins and informs the ChatGPT model, allowing it to use plugin-specific commands.
  • Minecraft Paper Server
  • OpenAI API Key
  1. Download the Plugin
    • Place the MagicCommands.jar file in the plugins directory of your Paper server.
  2. Configure the Plugin
    • Start the server to generate the default configuration files.
    • Stop the server.
  3. Acquire an OpenAI API Key
    • Visit the OpenAI website to sign up for an account.
    • Once signed in, navigate to the API section and generate a new API key.
  4. Configure the API Key
    • Open the config.yml file located in the plugins/MagicCommands directory.
    • Add your OpenAI API key to the api-key field.
  5. Start the Server
    • Restart the server to apply the configuration changes.
/magic Command
  • Description: Converts natural language requests into Minecraft commands and executes them immediately.
  • Usage: /magic
  • Example:
    1. Player types: /magic
    2. Plugin prompts: "What do you want to do?"
    3. Player responds: "Give me a diamond pickaxe with silk touch."
    4. Plugin processes the request and executes the command: /give @p diamond_pickaxe{Enchantments:[{id:silk_touch,lvl:1}]}
/magicspell Command
  • Description: Converts natural language requests into Minecraft commands and suggests them for player approval/editing.
  • Usage: /magicspell
  • Example:
    1. Player types: /magicspell
    2. Plugin prompts: "What spell do you want to cast?"
    3. Player responds: "Summon a zombie with diamond armor."
    4. Plugin processes the request and suggests the command: /summon zombie ~ ~ ~ {ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:diamond_helmet",Count:1}]}
    5. Player clicks the suggestion to edit/execute it.
/magicquestion Command
  • Description: Answers Minecraft-related questions and displays the response to the player.
  • Usage: /magicquestion
  • Example:
    1. Player types: /magicquestion
    2. Plugin prompts: "What is your question?"
    3. Player responds: "How do I make a chicken farm?"
    4. Plugin processes the request and responds: "To make a chicken farm, build a small pen with fences, lure chickens into it using seeds, and then breed them with seeds."
The config.yml file includes the following options:

installed-plugins: ""
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 151
First Release: May 25, 2024
Last Update: Jun 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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