LuckyWheel (for spigot 1.16 - 1.21.x) ========== By djessy5001 -------
Have you ever wanted to reward your players for being active with random loots? LuckyWheel is the solution!!
Changelog: LuckyWheel now supports 1.16+ spigot versions (up to 1.21)
LuckyWheel is a spigot plugin that enables the players of the server to spin a wheel that gives them a random item.
The LootTables of the LuckyWheel are customizable! You can:
Change the items.
Modify the probability of dropping said item.
Change the cooldown for spinning the wheel.
Create new LootTables and erase them.
You can also change the language of the plugin to spanish (es), simplified chinese (zhcn) or french (fr), by going to the config.yml and changing
Code (YAML):
locale: en
Code (YAML):
locale: es
/lw: The main command. Shows a GUI with the LootTable and allows the user to spin the wheel.
/lw create <name>: Create a new LootTable with name <name> (requires permission `luckywheel.loottables.edit`)
Once a LootTable is created, you can access it from the GUI menu, and add or remove items from it by clicking them. Additionaly, you can edit their weight to change the probability of them dropping when spinning the wheel.
luckywheel.command: Allows the access to the main `/lw` command (default everyone)
luckywheel.loottables.edit: Enable the user to edit the LootTables (default admin)
luckywheel.loottables.bypass_cooldown: Enables the user to bypass the LootTables cooldown (default none)
"cooldown": "DAILY" in the loot-tables.json can be changed to other values to change the cooldown time.
- DAILY - Every day (Monday, Tuesday, ...) - FULL_DAY - Every 24 hours - HOURLY - Every hour (8, 9, 10, ...) - FULL_HOUR - Every 1 hour - WEEKLY - Every week (not exactly 1 week) - FULL_WEEK - Every 1 week