LT Item Mail [1.14 - 1.21.4] icon

LT Item Mail [1.14 - 1.21.4] -----

Have you ever imagined mailing items to your friends in Minecraft?

Update notes:
- Added compatibility with The New Economy (TNE);
- Added option to enable or disable UltimateAdvancementAPI compatibility;
- Bug fixes and stability improved;
- item-models.yml added for ItemsAdder compatibility.

Notas de atualização:
- Adicionado compatibilidade com The New Economy (TNE);
- Adicionada opção para habilitar ou desabilitar compatibilidade com UltimateAdvancementAPI;
- Correção de bugs e melhora na estabilidade;
- item-models.yml adicionado para compatibilidade com ItemsAdder.

Full Changelog:
----------, Jan 25, 2025

First of all, I apologize for the delay in updates. I've been very busy with my personal life and I hope that the faithful servers continue to use my plugin.
Primeiramente, peço desculpas pela demora nas atualizações. Andei muito ocupado com minha vida pessoal e espero que os fiéis servidores continuem utilizando meu plugin.

Update notes:
- Minecraft 1.13 no longer supported (incompatible);
- Added Bungee support (see in config.yml);
- Added MySQL support (see in config.yml);
- It is now possible to change the mailbox block color (if you are holding it in your main hand) with the command "/itemmail color";
- To make it easier, you can instantly open the oldest pending mail received by clicking on your own mailbox block or typing "/itemmail";
- Remember that you can always use command aliases such as "/ima" (represents "/itemmail"), "/imad" (represents "/itemmailadmin") and "/mit" or "/mail" (represents "/mailitem"). For brazilians, there is an additional alias: "/enviaritem" or "/enviar" (represents "/mailitem");
- Player names do not need to be case sensitive anymore (ref. to "/mailitem" and "/itemmailadmin list");
- Now you can prevent specific players from sending mails (use "/itemmailadmin ban");
- Added option to accept (keep) or deny (give back) mails after receiving it;
- You can set new mail notification as CHAT, TITLE or TOAST (see config.yml);
- Towny support updated to latest version;
- GriefPrevention support updated to latest version 16.18.3;
- Added Dynmap 3.6-beta-1 (or higher) support;
- Added BlueMap 3.20 (or higher) support;
- Added DecentHolograms 2.8.6 (or higher) support;
- Added useful placeholders (requires PlaceholderAPI 2.11.5 or higher);
- Added some useful buttons inside mail inventories, and you can optionally use my newest resource pack (W.I.P, extracted inside plugin folder) to add custom button textures and mailbox gui;
- Added new messages/translations;
- Added new permission nodes;
- Added periodic update notification (check for new updates and shows a notification in the console every 3 hour, see in config.yml);
- Fixed a potentially prevention of mailbox functionality by other plugins;
- Enhanced Mailbox Log Worker. Log files inside LTItemMail/logs folder will be handled optimally;
- Mailbox Log Worker now detects money transactions and log them too (mail prices);
- Now you can place mailbox blocks above walls and fences;
- Forgot where you placed your mailboxes? Get the coords with "/itemmail blocks". For admins: "/itemmailadmin blocks <player>";
- Added compatibility with CoinsEngine (multi currency, beta feature);
- Fixed compatibility with changes on player's unique ids in case of online-mode switching.

Notas de atualização:
- Minecraft 1.13 não é mais suportado (incompatível);
- Adicionado suporte a Bungee (veja em config.yml);
- Adicionado suporte a MySQL (veja em config.yml);
- Agora é possível mudar a cor do bloco caixa de corrêio (se você estiver segurando o bloco na sua mão principal) com o comando "/itemmail color";
- Pra ficar mais fácil, você pode abrir instantaneamente o corrêio pendente mais antigo recebido clicando no seu bloco caixa de corrêio ou digitando "/itemmail";
- Lembrando que você pode sempre usar os comandos encurtados como por exemplo "/ima" (representa "/itemmail"), "/imad" (representa "/itemmailadmin") e "/mit" ou "/mail" (representa "/mailitem"). Para brasileiros (assim como eu), adicionei dois comandos encurtados: "/enviaritem" ou "/enviar" (representa "/mailitem");
- Nomes de jogadores não precisam mais ser escritos no caso-sensível (com letras maiúsculas e minúsculas, ref. à "/mailitem" e "/itemmailadmin list");
- Agora é possível impedir jogadores especificos de enviar corrêios (use "/itemmailadmin ban");
- Adicionado a opção de aceitar (ficar) ou recusar (devolver) corrêios após receber;
- Você pode definir a notificação de novo corrêio como CHAT, TITLE ou TOAST (veja em config.yml);
- Suporte ao Towny atualizado para a última versão;
- Suporte ao GriefPrevention atualizado para a última versão 16.18.3;
- Adicionado suporte ao Dynmap 3.6-beta-1 ou superior;
- Adicionado suporte ao BlueMap 3.20 ou superior;
- Adicionado suporte ao DecentHolograms 2.8.6 ou superior;
- Adicionado placeholders úteis (requer PlaceholderAPI 2.11.5 ou superior);
- Adicionado alguns botões úteis dentro do inventário de corrêio, e você pode optar por usar o mais novo resource pack (funcional mas ainda em desenvolvimento, extraído dentro da pasta do plugin) para adicionar texturas customizadas aos botões e interface do corrêio;
- Adicionado novas mensagens/traduções;
- Adicionado novos nós de permissão;
- Adicionado uma notificação de atualização periódica (verifica por novas atualizações e mostra uma notificação no console a cada 3 horas, veja em config.yml);
- Corrigido uma possível prevenção da funcionalidade do corrêio por outros plugins;
- Aprimorado o módulo de logs dos corrêios (Mailbox Log Worker). Arquivos de log dentro da pasta LTItemMail/logs serão tratados de forma otimizada;
- O módulo de logs agora detecta transações monetárias e também as grava no log (preços de corrêio);
- Agora você pode colocar blocos caixa de corrêio em cima de muros e cercas;
- Esqueceu onde colocou suas caixas de corrêio? Obtenha as coordenadas com "/itemmail blocks". Para admins: "/itemmailadmin blocks <player>";
- Adicionado compatibilidade com CoinsEngine (multi moeda, recurso beta);
- Corrigida a compatibilidade com alterações nos IDs únicos dos jogadores em caso de alteração do online-mode.

Espero que meu plugin chegue a mais servidores brasileiros, meu objetivo nunca foi focar apenas em servidores estrangeiros. Em caso de dúvidas ou suporte, meu Discord está sempre disponível:

Full Changelog:
----------, Jan 19, 2025

  • Fixed integrations not being detected.
  • Added color customization (refer to for plugin tag and mailbox name (see config.yml).
  • Removed unnecessary console messages.
  • Performed a few changes for stability.
  • Mail list (/itemmail list) shows who sent the mail.
  • If is not possible to send a mail box (lack of money or other motive), it will be sent back to you in your mail list.
  • Added the possibility of write a label on the mail box (/mailitem <player> [text]).
----------, Mar 22, 2024

- Database corruption fix (0.3.1).
- Added configuration fallback.
- Added "/itemmailadmin reload" command and translations.
- Added "/itemmail costs" command and translations.
- Added support for GriefPrevention protection.
- Added support for TownyAdvanced protection.
- Added support for RedProtect protection.
- Added support for WorldGuard protection.
- Restructured config.yml file.
- Added own protections for physical mailboxes (prevent breaking, exploding and moving with a piston).

----------, Dec 31, 2023

Database corruption fixed!

If you first installed the version 0.3.0 please delete the mailboxes.db file and install version 0.3.1

----------, Dec 29, 2023

Big update!
  • Now you can send items to offline players.
  • Now you can have a physical mailbox.
  • Added a permission system and implemented new permission nodes.
  • Improved language system and file structure. Missing lines will be automatically added instead of deleting the current yml file.
  • Economy fix (plugin creates a thread to keep waiting for an Economy plugin to be registered by Vault if there is any)

Physical mailbox recipe:
----------, Dec 27, 2023

  • Improved mailbox system.
  • Added language fallback.
  • Added new messages.
  • Added /itemmail delete command.
  • Now you can customize mailbox name in config.yml.

Still compatible with MC 1.13 - 1.20.4!
----------, Dec 22, 2023

Economy fix

Introducing a mailbox storage system!
Compatible with MC 1.13 - 1.20.4 (Java 8+)

New player commands:
/itemmail list - List new/pending mailboxes.
/itemmail open <mailbox id> - Open a pending mailbox.

New admin commands:
/itemmailadmin list <player> - List opened mailboxes of a specific player.
/itemmailadmin recover <mailbox id> - Recover lost items from an opened mailbox.

----------, Dec 17, 2023

Compatible with MC 1.13 - 1.20.4 (Java 8+)

New player commands:
/itemmail list - List new/pending mailboxes.
/itemmail open <mailbox id> - Open a pending mailbox.

New admin commands:
/itemmailadmin list <player> - List opened mailboxes of a specific player.
/itemmailadmin recover <mailbox id> - Recover lost items from an opened mailbox.

----------, Dec 17, 2023

Just a compatibility update!

Java 17 or newer is required!
----------, Jul 21, 2022

+ Updated to MC 1.14!
----------, May 27, 2019

  • Vault is not a required dependency anymore. You can choose whether or not you want to use Vault + an economy plugin.
  • New configuration sections and messages were added.
  • Update checks now has its own tasks in order to not disturb the functioning of the server (it happened a couple of times, especially when the server was running without internet access).
  • A public API is now available. Javadoc can be found here:
  • The number of messages in the server's console were reduced.
  • Hashmaps are now been used instead of messing with a player's vulnerability status just to determine if a player is busy or not.
  • A message will appear in the console informing when this plugin is integrating another plugin as a dependency. Example: Vault.
  • Using the public API, you can send items anonymously to any player on the server without any charges. The mailbox will be marked as a "special mailbox".
----------, Feb 27, 2019

+ Fixed compatibility with Vault and some other Economy plugins.
+ Added changelog command.
----------, Nov 27, 2018

  • Added "plugin-tag" property: You can customize and change the [LTIM] tag.
  • Added "use-title" property: You can choose to use titles or chat messages to notify a player on receiving items.
  • Added "mail-time" property: 5 seconds is too little time before a mailbox open? With this new preference you can set how many seconds you want before a mailbox open.
  • Added "language-version" property: Do not change it!
  • Added "language-version" property: Do not change it!

----------, Nov 16, 2018

+ Language support system added (portuguese and english available already) .
+ Bug fixes.

Want to help with translations?
----------, Nov 14, 2018

+ 'cost-per-item' preference added.
+ Bug fixes.
----------, Nov 12, 2018

+ Vault API integrated to use Economy plugins.
+ Added Vault as a REQUIRED dependency (+ an Economy plugin compatible with Vault).
+ Added security measures:
Will not be possible to send items if the recipient's inventory is full or doesn't have enough slots; Will not be possible to send items if the recipient already has a mailbox GUI opened.
----------, Nov 11, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,634
First Release: Nov 10, 2018
Last Update: Jan 25, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Find more info at
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