What is new in this version?
- Dynamic GUI - When lottery is in progress, time is updating. (In first window, (SIGN block))
- Formatting of money - Before: 5000$, Now: 5,000$
- Changes in commands:
- /lot - Open GUI, there are all informations, so displaying this was
- /lot buy - Purchase of 1 ticket
- New langauge: deutsch(de.yml)
- API:
Code (Text):
Class: gmail.Sobky.Lottery.LotteryAPI;
- Methods:
LotteryAPI.getTimeToDraw() returns Integer - E.g: 4516
LotteryAPI.parseToDigitalFormat() returns String - E.g: 01:15:16
LotteryAPI.parseToTextFormat() returns String - E.g: 1 Hour, 15 Minutes and 16 Seconds
- Addded new variable in config.yml -
Code (Text):
#If true, when join player, plugin sends inforamtions.
sendInfoAfterJoinTheGame: true
- At start of server, plugin automatically create this variable 
- Better uses of functions in code
Big thanks to:
- Tiippex to send me translated messages to deutsch language!
- Tiippex to suggestion about API!
- Henry Daeche to suggestion about changing of commands!
- Henry Daeche to perfect idea about formatting money!
I didn't add new variables in language files, but i removed two lines. And I added two removed lines to variable: itemInfoLoreOff
So if you want see all info which was displayed after command /lot, you should update language files.
So the best way is update language files, from my pastebin
If you like this plugin or this update, you can rate it. Thanks