Lottery icon

Lottery -----

Encourage players to bet money to be in with a chance of winning the pot.

What is new in this version?
  1. Dynamic GUI - When lottery is in progress, time is updating. (In first window, (SIGN block))
  2. Formatting of money - Before: 5000$, Now: 5,000$
  3. Changes in commands:
    - /lot - Open GUI, there are all informations, so displaying this was
    - /lot buy - Purchase of 1 ticket
  4. New langauge: deutsch(de.yml)
  5. API:
    Code (Text):
    Class: gmail.Sobky.Lottery.LotteryAPI;

    - Methods:
    LotteryAPI.getTimeToDraw() returns Integer - E.g: 4516

    LotteryAPI.parseToDigitalFormat() returns String - E.g: 01:15:16

    LotteryAPI.parseToTextFormat() returns String - E.g: 1 Hour, 15 Minutes and 16 Seconds
  • Addded new variable in config.yml -
    Code (Text):
    #If true, when join player, plugin sends inforamtions.

    sendInfoAfterJoinTheGame: true
    - At start of server, plugin automatically create this variable :)
  • Better uses of functions in code
Big thanks to:
  1. Tiippex to send me translated messages to deutsch language!
  2. Tiippex to suggestion about API!
  3. Henry Daeche to suggestion about changing of commands!
  4. Henry Daeche to perfect idea about formatting money!
I didn't add new variables in language files, but i removed two lines. And I added two removed lines to variable: itemInfoLoreOff
So if you want see all info which was displayed after command /lot, you should update language files.
So the best way is update language files, from my pastebin :D

If you like this plugin or this update, you can rate it. Thanks :)
----------, Oct 20, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 278
First Release: Oct 13, 2016
Last Update: Nov 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
23 ratings
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