max-homes: 1
no-console: '&cYou cannot run this command from the console.'
specify-home-name: '&cYou must specify a name for your home.'
pending-home-set: '&cYou need to set your home with the compass before creating another one.'
home-exists: '&cYou already have a home set with this name.'
home-not-exists: '&cYou do not have a home set with this name.'
max-homes-reached: '&cYou have reached the maximum number of homes you are allowed to set.'
inventory-full: '&cYour inventory is full. Please clear some space to receive the compass.'
compass-given: '&aYou have been given a compass. &b&lRight-click &aa lodestone to set your home.'
home-set: '&aYour home &b
}) &ahas been set.'
home-teleported: '&aYou have been teleported to your home
: &b{home_name}&a.' home-removed: '&aYour home &b
}) &ahas been removed.'
no-homes: '&cYou do not have
any homes set.'
list-homes: '&aYour homes:'
no-permission: '&cYou do not have permission to run this command.'
specify-player: '&cYou must specify a player.'
player-not-found: '&cPlayer not found.'
no-homes-player: '&cThis player has
no homes set.'
show-homes: '&aHomes of &b
home-location: '&a-
}: World
: {world
}, X
: {x
}, Y
: {y
}, Z
: {z
compass-name: '&b&lHome Compass
: &a{home_name}'
Used for reference in case you accidently delete a configuration option as explained in update 1.2-BETA.