Code (Text):
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission!"
interworld-teleportation-enabled: true #allow a player in world A to join a lobby game in world B (disable if you have multiple lobby worlds on the same server)
leaderboard-size: 5
leaderboard-title: "&2&l%game% Leaderboard:"
leaderboard-format: "&b%ranking%: &a%player% &6%score%"
leaderboard-entry-expiration: 3 #number of days a leaderboard entry will last, -1 for no expiry
merge-leaderboard-scores: true #if false, a new entry will be made for each time a player scores on the leaderboard
use-display-names: true #if true, shows scoreboard rank prefixes on the leaderboard
cooldown-msg: "&cYou must wait %seconds% second(s) to do this!"
cooldown-seconds: 3 #the number of seconds a player must wait until they can rejoin a game
return-to-game-spawn: true #if false, player is teleported to where they were standing before starting the game
countdown-format: "&eThe game will start in &c%seconds% &eseconds!"
waiting-players: "&cWaiting for more players to join..."
quit-item-title: "&c&lQuit"
quit-item-material: "ARROW"
error-already-in-game: "&4Error: &cYou are already in a game, use /lg quit"
error-must-be-in-game: "&4Error: &cYou must be in a game to do this!"
error-no-arenas-available: "&4Error: &cThere are no open arenas for this game!"
error-arena-in-use: "&4Error: &cThis arena is already in use!"
error-arena-not-exist: "&4Error: &cThis arena does not exist!"
error-wrong-world: "&4Error: &cYou cannot access this arena from this world!"
not-enough-balance: "&cThis game costs $%cost% to play!"
restart-confirmation: "&cAre you sure you want to restart?"
status-translate: "Open, Waiting, In Use" #Default (keep the commas): "Open, Waiting, In Use"
yes-text: "&a&lYes"
no-text: "&c&lNo"
your-turn-msg: "&aYour Turn"
opponent-turn-msg: "&7Opponent's Turn"
not-your-turn-msg: ""
enabled: false
username: "username"
password: "password"
host: "localhost:3306"
name: "database"
#Blocked commands apply to players who are in a Lobby Game and don't have the lobbygames.command permission
command-blocked-msg: "&cYou cannot use this command while playing this game!"
command-block-mode: 1 #0: Command Blocking Disabled, 1: Only listed commands are blocked, 2: All commands blocked unless on the list
- "tpa"
- "tpahere"
- "tpaccept"
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
action-bar: "&aScore: &f%score%"
start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&l2048: &bUse the W, A, S, and D keys to merge tiles and get to the 2048 tile without filling the board![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
end-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lRan out of moves! &bScore:&f %score% Points[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
reset-on-end: false
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when the player creates a 2048 tile. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in 2048! [newline] eco give %player% 100"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
blocks-per-game: 40 #every game will create x blocks, each block is randomly green or red. Default: 40
seconds-in-air: 2.5 #adjust the speed of the block. Default: 2.5s
start-msg: ""
green-blocks: "&aClick!"
red-blocks: "&cDon't Click!"
score-format: "&a&lScore: &f&l%score% &6(%remaining% Remaining)"
win-msg: "[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lScore: &f%score%[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when game finishes. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in Clicker! [newline] eco give %player% 10"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
translatable-words: "Red, Yellow"
side-msg: "&bYou are playing as %side%!"
start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lConnect 4: &bAdd tiles to the top of the board and try to connect 4 of your color in any row, column, or diagonal![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
draw-msg: "&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lThis game is a draw![newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
win-msg: "&6&m----------------------------------------[newline]&e&l%winner%&e won the Connect 4 game![newline]&6&m----------------------------------------"
reset-on-end: false
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when game finishes. Example: "broadcast %winner% won in Connect 4 against %loser%! [newline] eco give %winner% 30"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-xcommand-on-end for %winner%
player-can-fly: true #Recommended, flying lets player see more clearly
flag-armor-stands-enabled: true #Landmine flag decoration
landmine-distribution: 0.1666 #Number of landmines per cell. Recommended between 0.14 (easy) and 0.2 (hard)
wand-title: "&c&lSet Flag"
action-bar: "&4&l%remaining_mines%&c mines remaining! &c&l%time%"
start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lMinesweeper: &bThere are %starting_mines% landmines randomly spread through the grid! Right-click to open a cell, and use the flag tool to mark a landmine. The numbers represent how many mines a cell is touching![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
end-msg: "[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&c&lBOOM! You clicked a landmine![newline]&bScore: &f%minutes% Minutes, %seconds% Seconds (%remaining_mines% Mines Remaining)[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
win-msg: "[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lYou win![newline]&aScore: &f%minutes% minutes, %seconds% seconds[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
reset-on-end: false
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when player clears board. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in Minesweeper! [newline] eco give %player% 30"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
practice-mode-enabled: true
proximity-joining: false #Players automatically join pool if they walk near the table
same-color: false #if enabled, makes all balls of a given side the same color (Change "Wool" and "Terracotta" to the colors in the translatable-words entry)
solids-color: 5 #if same-color is enabled. 1:orange, 2:magenta, 3:light-blue, 4:yellow, 5:lime, 6:pink, 7:gray, 8:light-gray, 9:cyan, 10:purple, 11:blue, 12:brown, 13: green, 14:red
stripes-color: 1 #if same-color is enabled
cue-blaze-rod: false #alternate cue item
particles-enabled: true
translatable-words: "Ball, Cue Ball, Pocketed, Wool, Terracotta" #Default (Keep the commas): "Ball, Cue Ball, Pocketed, Wool, Terracotta"
translatable-power-words: "&aLow Power, &eMedium Power, &6High Power, &cHighest Power"
pocketed-8ball: "&cThe 8-ball was pocketed!"
redo-break: "&bThis break was not strong enough, try again!"
side-designation: "&bYou need to pocket the &b&l%side%&b balls!"
cueball-title: "&f&lCue Ball &7(Click anywhere on table)"
cueball-description: "&7Hit this with the cue"
cueball-inhand: "&b%player% has the cue ball in hand!"
8ball-description: "&7Pocket this &conly&7 after pocketing[newline]&7all of your other designated balls!"
cue-item-title: "&3Cue &7(Click the white cue ball)"
open-gui-item-title: "&bOpen Pool Menu"
gui-title: "Pool Ball Status"
practice-mode-msg: "&aPractice while you wait for an opponent!"
exit-practice-mode: "&cExit Practice Mode"
pocketed-balls: "&3%name% pocketed %count% ball(s):[newline]&b Wool: &f%wool_pocketed%[newline]&b Terracotta: &f%terracotta_pocketed%"
start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lPool: &bHit the (white) cue ball to pocket other balls! Don't hit the (black) 8-ball until all of your designated balls have been pocketed.[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
win-msg: "&6&m----------------------------------------[newline]&e&l%winner%&e won the 8-Ball game![newline]&6&m----------------------------------------"
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when game ends. Example: "broadcast %winner% won in Pool against %loser%! [newline] eco give %winner% 50"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
action-bar: "&b%score% Apple(s)"
start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lSnake: &bEat apples to grow larger, but don't run into the walls or yourself! Use the W, A, S, and D keys to move![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
end-msg: "[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&c&l%reason%[newline]&bScore:&f %score% Apple(s)[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
hit-wall-msg: '&c&lYou hit a wall!'
ran-into-self-msg: '&c&lYou ran into yourself!'
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when game ends. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in Snake! [newline] eco give %player% %score%"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
proximity-joining: true #Players automatically join soccer if they walk into the arena
point-win-threshold: 5 #the number of goals a team needs to win
game-max-time: -1 #Units of seconds. If this is set, the game will end on the timer INSTEAD of when the point-win-threshold is reached.
player-join-threshold: 2 #the minimum number of players that the game will start at
countdown-seconds: 20 #after the player threshold is met, how many seconds until the game starts
boost-jump-enabled: true
boost-jump-cooldown: 6 #seconds
action-bar: "%score%" #add %timer% placeholder if you are using game-max-time entry
boost-jump-title: "&a&lBoost Jump &7(Right-click)"
ball-respawn-delay: 4 #number of seconds after a goal is scored for the ball to drop
ball-respawn-msg: "&eThe ball will respawn in &c%seconds% &esecond(s)!"
start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lSoccer: &bPunch the ball into your team's net to win points! Get 10 points to win![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&aThe game has started!"
team1-join-title: "&bJoin blue team &7(Right-click)"
team1-wool-title: "&bYou are on the &b&lBLUE&b team!"
team1-score-msg: "&9&lBLUE team scored a goal! &7[ %score% &7]"
team1-win-msg: "[newline]&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&bBLUE team won the game![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
team2-join-title: "&cJoin red team &7(Right-click)"
team2-wool-title: "&cYou are on the &c&lRED&c team!"
team2-score-msg: "&c&lRED team scored a goal! &7[ %score% &7]"
team2-win-msg: "[newline]&4&m----------------------------------------[newline]&cRED team won the game![newline]&4&m----------------------------------------"
score-format: "&9&l%team1_score%&7&l - &c&l%team2_score%"
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when a team wins. Example: "broadcast %winning_player_list% won against %losing_player_list% in Soccer!"
console-command-on-end-per-player: "" #Runs once for each player on winning team. Example: "eco give %player% 25"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
countdown-seconds: 30
melt-delay: 50 #how many seconds the game should wait until blocks start melting under players' feet (enter -1 for no melting)
start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lSpleef: &bUse the shovel to break the snow blocks and don't fall below the surface! The last one standing wins![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
player-eliminated-msg: "&e%eliminated_player%&c was eliminated! &6%remaining% players remaining!"
win-msg: "&6&m----------------------------------------[newline]&e&l%winner%&e won the Spleef game![newline]&6&m----------------------------------------"
blocks-melting-msg: "&cBlocks are now melting!"
blocks-melting-seconds-msg: "&eBlocks melting in &c%seconds%&e seconds!"
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs once for the winner of the game. Example: "broadcast %player% won a game of Spleef! [newline] eco give %player% 30"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
player-can-fly: true #Recommended, flying lets the player see more clearly
particles-enabled: true
prefilled-count: 45 #set difficulty
reset-on-end: false
action-bar: "&aTime: &f%time%"
invalid-solution: "&cInvalid Solution!" #if all spaces are filled but not a correct sudoku
start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lSudoku: &bSet the numbers in the puzzle so every row, column, and 3x3 box has one of each digit from 1 to 9![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
win-msg: "&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lYou finished the sudoku! &aTime: %time%[newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs when player fills board correctly. Example: "broadcast %player% got a score of %score% in Sudoku! [newline] eco give %player% 50"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
game-alias: "" #translatable game name
wager-cost: 0 #requires Vault, make sure to set an 'eco give' command in console-command-on-end for %winner%
join-side-title: "&bSwitch to %side%&b's"
now-playing-as: "&bYou will play as %side%&b's!"
side-msg: "[newline]&bYou are playing as %side%&b's!"
start-msg: "&3&m----------------------------------------[newline]&b&lTic Tac Toe: &bGet three X's or three O's in a row to win![newline]&3&m----------------------------------------"
draw-msg: "&2&m----------------------------------------[newline]&a&lThis game is a draw![newline]&2&m----------------------------------------"
win-msg: "&6&m----------------------------------------[newline]&e&l%winner%&e won the Tic Tac Toe game![newline]&6&m----------------------------------------"
console-command-on-end: "" #Runs win player wins against opponent. Example: "broadcast %winner% won in Tic Tac Toe against %loser%! [newline] eco give %winner% 15"
console-command-on-quit: "" #Runs any time a player leaves and/or game ends
join-sign-text: "JOIN"
# [JOIN] signs:
# To create a clickable sign to join an arena, use the following format:
# | |
# | [JOIN] |
# | <GameType>:<Data> |
# | |
# For the <Data> section, the following can be used:
# Case A: Join the first available arena (Default, if <Data> is left blank)
# Case B: Join the nearest arena relative to the sign location
# [Number]: Join a specific arena id (Ex: "Tic Tac Toe:4")
# Example: (Joins the nearest soccer arena)
# | |
# | [JOIN] |
# | Soccer:B |
# | |