- Merging with master branch
- Level System
A level system has been added to the plugin (you can disable it).
The plugin has switched to a new GUI, which will make it even more convenient for you to configure and test it during the game (**/lfish menu** and **/lfish catalog**)
- Additional information about the fish catch
- Improved and optimized drop chance compilation map (handling of baits, enchantments and custom biomes)
- EconomyProfider updated
- Updated GUI biome settings
- Added display of custom biomes
- Added additional processing of item IDs for the tournament (Items do not have additional nbt tags unless they have a cost)
- Added consistent processing of plugin integration on custom mobs. Now you can summon mobs from different modifications at the same time
Demo update (Full history of changes in the premium update branch)
- Changed time display in tournaments
- Fixed display of colors in tournaments (Thanks tomimza)
- Added changing hoverText to clickable text
- Added "autoJoin" which automatically connects all online players to the tournament
- Added WEIGHT_MAX tournament. Competition to see who can catch the most by weight
- Fixed a bug in PAPI Expansion (Thanks to toyotaz for the report)
- Fixed priority for receiving messages in chat when entering data from the GUI (Servers that used plugins for custom chat experienced difficulties. Thanks FIO for report)
- Fixed a bug with /lfish sell where the values in the Inventory Title were frozen (This is a visual bug and does not affect the sale of fish)
- Updated tournament system
- Added tournament event. After the time runs out, rewards are given. Who caught the most fish "CATCH_MAX" (see wiki)
- Bedrock players were unable to interact with chat buttons (only available for Spigot). 2 commands have been added for Bedrock.
- /lfish tournament join - connects to the first tournament
- /lfish tournament target %position% - monitor the selected condition
- Fixed a exeption for sell gui versions of minecraft <1.19
- Fixed display in GUI
- Added icon for Default Category
- Fixed plugin vulnerability (Thanks to Aysel_ and his kind server players)
- Major catalog update! Now you can customize the menu as you wish. Selling menu customization will be added soon
**Please delete catalogCustomization.json to install the new configuration!**
- Players can now disable custom fishing in their catalog (Delete catalogCustomization.json and config.json to update them. Or manually insert the appropriate fields if you want to enable this feature. By default it is disabled and no manual update is required.)
- add Command /lfish giveBait %bait_id% %player% %amount%
- Fixed config saving
- Added leaderboard. The best players are now displayed in the catalog
- Changed the loading order of plugins. Vault is prioritized (Thanks swinefeather for report)
- Updated LiteCore inside the plugin
- Fixed a bug when EcoBosses spawned
- Added definition of a biome in the directory in which the player is located when biome lists are turned off
- Fixed a bug where the plugin tried to add mob inertia from EcoBosses but could not get Entity
Fishing Catalog NEW UPDATE
Added support for group loot pages in the GUI
Users faced the problem that they did not notice Wiki in the plugin description on websites. That's why it was also added /about
Fixed sounds in GUI
The drop map now displays the id of treasures and group loots
Removed Italic style from some text components
You can add scripts to each drop individually, which allows you to add epic when fishing. In the future, this functionality will be expanded and will allow you to catch new events and perform more interactive.
See details:
Fixed enchantment and bait interactions with monster spawn chance (Thanks SenyorTypid)
/lfish drop now displays the total drop chance. (Item drop chance + Rarity drop chance)
Now, when an item is added that has already been added and configured, its default settings in the new item are accepted
Weights now support floating point values, allowing for a more precise range of possible fish weights
Fixed console interaction error (Thanks to TsubakiDev)
Fixed display of some colors in the GUI
- New improved menu.
- Large pre-config for all biomes.
- Sale of fish
- Individual lures for fish
- Сustomizable economy for each category
Fixed with item descriptions
Displaying the final chance of a specific rarity level
Now in the drop view (/lfish drop) you can see the chance of moving to each rarity level depending on the bait/enchantment
Now in /lfish drop you can view the size of the hook bar, player life and monster chance
/lfish drop <Common|Rare|Epic|Legendary|Immortal>
Allows you to see the chances of mining. In a given area (the block in which the player is located). Enchantments, fishing rod baits (if you have one in hand) and natural modifiers are also taken into account.
Now you can replace the drop item, keeping all the settings of the previous one
Removed functions for testing the demo version
Fixed a conflict that was called with grave plugins
Added text new text accompaniments for the plugin
fixed display system for baits that do not have a custom name
Bait Update (see description plugin)
- Barrel fills random cells with loot
- Fixed an issue with Experience on some server cores in the version
- Random durability can be applied to barrel items
Now the full functionality of the plugin is available for testing within 20 minutes
Changed DEMO version, removed elements (sounds, items) from newer versions
Fixed a bug in 1.20.1 in which the experience from the orb was not issued
Fixed a error where some elements were not displayed in the natural modifier
added hookOnFish to hook bar customization
Fixed bug when displaying custom hookBar customization
Experience sometimes flew away from the player, now he calmly spawns and does not fly out of bounds
Fixed bug with limited features for demo version
You can use PlaceHolderAPI in commands when catching fish
You can use PlaceHolderAPI in commands when catching fish
Bundle fix for older versions
Added "command" field to dropsItem. [PLAYER_NAME] is replaced by the nickname of the player who fished the item
Enchants | Natur modifier and more more more
Added enchantment constructor. You can add any enchantment book and customize the effects. Effects stack if multiple enchantments are on the rod.
MythicMobs plugin NPC support
add any languages: DE_de(thanks for knnuDE), ES_es
Fixed random system in the new version
Now, when adding an item, its DisplayName in the config will be initialized (If you already have a large config ready and want displayName to be displayed in dropData.json use /lfish tempreload)
Fixed issue when using LiteFish with PyroFishingPro
Fixed issue with texturepacks
Fixed random system in the new version
Now, when adding an item, its DisplayName in the config will be initialized
Fixed issue when using LiteFish with PyroFishingPro
Fixed issue with texturepacks
Now there are even fewer reasons to go into config.json

(I try to do full control through the GUI)
Added a new data entry interface, you can set a custom weight for an item
The language system has been updated. New language elements will be added to the configuration while keeping your personal changes
Lots of improvements | Stack change
You can now add regions to categories from the WorldGuard plugin.
(For example, you can make a fountain at the spawn, from where coins will be caught)
For convenience, all configurations will be stored in plugins/LiteFish/
Now you can add your own database, where all the items caught by the players will be logged. To do this, look at the mysql.json file