LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.0
Added cross-server broadcasts, notifications, and kicks.
These will work across multiple plugin instances running under Spigot or BungeeCord.

Added "$server" variable to broadcasts.

Added "/litebans broadcast <message>" command. This command allows you to send any message across all servers connected to the same database.

Added update checker, the plugin will notify you when there is a new plugin update. This can be disabled in the configuration.

Configuration changes:

ban_sync_ticks and mutes.sync_ticks have been removed.
The new system allows bans and mutes to be synchronized far more efficiently.
Instead of checking all online players per interval, all instances of the plugin will notify each other when a player is banned or muted.

Minor changes:
Fixed /litebans sqlexec not working under BungeeCord.

Added "-N" flag which prevents previous bans and mutes from being overridden (e.g. /ban Player -N).

Minor updates:

Fixed an issue where dupeip notifications longer than 4096 characters would cause an error.

Fixed BAT import error.
Added "check_after_join" option to config.yml.

Fixed more possible BAT import errors.

Fixed /litebans fixhistory not working since 2.0.

Added ban/mute/warning response messages.

Added variables: $activeBans, $activeMutes, $activeWarnings, $totalBans, $totalMutes, $totalWarnings.

Fixed "/litebans reload" not working since 2.0.6.

Added ProtocolLib support. If ProtocolLib is present and support is enabled in the configuration, the plugin will use ProtocolLib to cancel chat events.

Fixed unban broadcasts not working with the "-S" flag.

Added option to config.yml:
Code (Text):
# This option controls the behaviour of the "-N" flag. This flag prevents active bans/mutes from being overridden.
# If enabled, the "-N" flag will only prevent bans from being overridden if the active ban has a lower duration.
override_lower_duration: true
Fixed error with latest version of AuthMeReloaded caused by a breaking API change.

Fixed an error which occurs if banned_by_uuid is stored as null in the database. (LiteBans should never accomplish this on its own, haven't had any other reports of this issue)

Fixed kick responses not being handled correctly if multiple servers are trying to perform cross-server kicks at the same time.

Fixed commands not working under BungeeCord.

Fixed another issue with /litebans reload.

Removed /cc alias (clearchat) since it was causing conflicts with other plugins. This alias can be re-added manually using any command alias plugin.

Configurations are now always loaded and saved using UTF-8 under Bukkit and BungeeCord.
This allows Unicode to be used in the configuration in places where UTF-8 is not the system default encoding (e.g. Windows)

Improved configuration error handling.

Fixed issues with importing from BAT under offline-mode.

Exempt checking is now case-insensitive for names.

The latest version of ProtocolLib is no longer required, mutes should now work even with an outdated version (unless there is a plugin conflict)

The update checker can now tell you the latest version along with your current version.

Improved long-term stability of the cross-server sync system.

Fixed importing permanent bans from BAT.

Added /mutechat.
This command works under both Bukkit and BungeeCord.
Permissions: litebans.mutechat, litebans.mutechat.bypass

Dupeip notifications under BungeeCord will now only be triggered when a player connects to the proxy, not when they switch to a different server.

Players who are IP-banned and haven't joined the server before can now be unbanned after they try to join.
Optimized BungeeCord login event handling, the event will now be handled async instead of blocking the thread(s) which it is handled on.

Added option to config.yml:
Code (Text):
# This option allows you to disable recording IP history on specific servers under BungeeCord.
# Example: ignored_history_servers: ['Lobby']
ignored_history_servers: []
Fixed the console receiving two dupeip notifications per player instead of one notification.

Fixed dupeip notifications not being sent for players who have a banned player on the same IP if the banned prefix was changed in messages.yml.
Also fixed these notifications always being sent if any of the colors were set to red.

Removed some debug messages.
Made some changes to the default configuration.

Fixed an issue with importing bans from a LiteBans SQLite database.

Fixed SQLite errors since 2.0.26.

Added litebans.ipmute permission, rather than using litebans.ipban for /ipmute
Fixed warning notifications not being synchronized properly if a player has multiple active warnings.
Fixed "use_database_time" option misbehaving if different servers have different timezones assigned by the MySQL server.
Fixed rare startup error linked to "use_database_time" option.

Fixed constant exceptions occurring if the MySQL connection failed since 2.0.28.
----------, Feb 9, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings