LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.15 - 2.15.1
  • Webhook routes: Added `webhooks.yml` - this configuration allows you to set webhook URLs for each type of punishment. For example, you can send silent mutes to #silent-mutes and temporary IP bans to #tempipbans.
  • Silent punishments and alts scanning (dupeip) notifications will now be broadcasted using Discord Webhooks, if configured to do so.
  • Fixed /lockdown error under Spigot since version 2.14 (Folia/Bungee/Velocity unaffected)
  • Fixed /lockdown using `kick_message_global` instead of `kick_message` under Bungee/Velocity for local scopes.
  • Fixed /unban returning a permission error message if the target is not currently banned and group weights are enabled.
  • Fixed exempt weights being checked for non-player non-console senders such as rcon.
  • Fixed limit parameter in history commands being ignored if a type was specified.
  • Fixed `litebans reset-database` requiring a reload or server restart if the global scope was cleared since version 2.14.
  • Fixed pinging roles in Discord embed messages. (`<@&roleID>`)
Minor improvements:
  • Improved performance of template group calculations.
  • Exempt bypass permissions will be automatically enabled when group weights are enabled, as these are only required to remove or modify punishments issued by console and are not checked when banning exempt players.
  • Added slow database detection & warnings ("Database is slow! Establishing connection took 70 seconds.")
  • Raised the default pool timeout from 25 seconds to 95 seconds. As some people are stuck with database servers that only work approximately half of the time, this will give LiteBans the time to reconnect when your server goes down for one minute every two minutes.
  • Improved message consistency: replaced instances of `$bannedPlayer`/`$mutedPlayer`/`$warnedPlayer` in messages.yml with `$playerDisplayName`. The former variables will be migrated automatically.
  • Renamed `round_down` option to `reduce_to_limit`.
  • Further simplified database error messages.
  • Added options to disable the /warn and /lockdown commands.
  • Improved sync performance for databases that have 1000+ servers.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed the `--` flag not working correctly in certain commands.


  • Fixed specific webhook routes (ban, mute, warn, kick) always using the default webhook.
  • Fixed mute notifications being sent to players if local messages are disabled. This issue only causes double mute messages if you have LiteBans installed under both Velocity and the backend servers.
  • Fixed unban permissions being required to modify punishments.
Minor improvements:
  • Added hex colour support to lockdown messages.
  • Unwarning players will no longer remove the database entry.
Minor fixes:
  • Fixed the `/litebans servers` command not showing newly installed servers until they have been reloaded for the first time, due to an optimization made in version 2.15.
----------, Mar 27, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings