Fixed dupeip-on-join message being formatted incorrectly since version 2.7.
Fixed hex colors not showing up correctly in the disconnect reason when kicking online players under the BungeeCord version. (Login disconnect messages unaffected, Spigot version unaffected)
Fixed /tempipmute and /tempipban having no tab complete permission under the BungeeCord version.
Fixed unban/unmute/unwarn broadcasts inheriting the silent flag from the punishment they are affecting rather than what was specified.
Minor improvements:
Configuration errors have been greatly simplified to reduce confusion and make it easier to find the problem you're looking for.
Added [CONSOLE] alias as a reference to the actual console which cannot refer to a player.
Important fixes:
Fixed many commands giving no response when used (mainly regarding error messages) since version 2.7.3.
Minor improvements:
The permission "litebans.*" is no longer explicitly checked for; this is redundant since version 2.7 as your permission system should handle it.