LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.4
The permission list is now hosted on the wiki. It has been fully restructured into table format.

All Minecraft server versions from 1.7.10 to 1.15 (both inclusive) are currently supported with this release.


Added chat prefix/suffix support (requires Vault) - new variables: $playerPrefix, $playerSuffix, $executorPrefix, $executorSuffix
(If you were already using display-names support for prefixes/suffixes, no changes are required)

Wildcard permission "litebans.*" no longer grants exempt bypass permissions - this makes it easier to negate litebans.exempt.bypass

Permission "litebans.unban" no longer grants "litebans.override".

Cross-server kicks (from /kick) now require "" permission.

Improved performance (reduced timings) under Spigot with 100+ players online. BungeeCord version unaffected.

Updated MySQL driver: 8.0.15 -> 8.0.18
Updated MariaDB driver: 2.4.0 -> 2.5.2
Updated H2 driver: 1.4.197 -> 1.4.200

When "delete_previous_history" is disabled, players who join using a known previous account and IP will now update the login entry's date so that /dupeip and IP bans will affect the IP address tied to the account which last joined the server rather than the last IP address which was mapped to the account.

/dupeip (and dupeip scanning on join) will now skip previous names from renamed accounts, only the most recent account will be shown per UUID.

If `sync_notifications` is disabled, mute/warn notifications will no longer be synchronized.

Hover text will now function as expected when a newline follows {hoverText: ..} directly after (notably, in history messages, but not by default).

Reverted change "Clearchat is now implemented more efficiently, it will now send a single message with 100 newlines instead of 100 separate empty messages."
Old behavior is back, 100 separate messages will be sent instead. This is because 1.7.10 doesn't support newline characters in chat.

When config option "default_server_scope" is set to "local", it will no longer require the permission "litebans.server.<scope>" when the effective server scope is the same as origin.

Minor improvements:
Added exception handling specifically against plugins that use the LiteBans API incorrectly (resulting in SQLTransientConnectionException after 10 calls) -- this doesn't fix the underlying issue (since it's not my fault) but does allow for the cause of the problem to be pinpointed far more quickly and accurately.

Added "(Async)" as a name suffix to certain background threads that could show up in crash reports. These threads practically never cause the server to crash since they don't do anything intensive.
I've noticed that some people like to read crash reports by scrolling down way past the main server thread and just blaming the first innocent plugin in the list which happens to be running a thread in the background (like LiteBans or LuckPerms or LogBlock) even if it's not blocking or interacting with the main server thread at all, ever. (Just search "luckperms crash" on Spigot for a few examples)
This suffix might help the issue.

Optimization: Improved performance of /dupeip (and dupeip on join) in cases with large amounts of accounts per IP

Optimization: Servers with no players online will no longer query bans/mutes/warnings from the database when synchronization occurs, since there won't be any players to apply them to

When multiple flags are specified with one command (e.g. "/ban -sN"), specifying any unknown flags will make the whole argument part of the ban reason (while ignoring all of its valid flags) rather than processing the arguments and ignoring the unknown flags passed.
This allows for arguments like "-stuff" or "-john" to be included in ban reasons without unintended consequences.

Removed the unused "[Hidden IP]" message from messages.yml.

Added support for target player variables (e.g. $playerName) to unban_fail, unmute_fail, unwarn_fail messages.

Changed the default import option to "vanilla", since that always works by default.

The "override_lower_duration" option in config.yml is now false by default.

Added "-s" flag support to /clearchat for silent broadcasts.

Database exception handling will now skip redundant "Communications link failure" messages.

The messages "unban_entry" / "unmute_entry" are now separate messages instead of being appended to the ban_entry or mute_entry. This allows for separate hover-text.

Minor fixes:
Fixed non-fatal "Interrupted during connection acquisition" error that could happen on shutdown. ** Attempt #2. This error is hard to replicate but it should be fixed this time.

Fixed /unban, /unmute, /unwarn commands returning usage messages instead of permission errors to players who don't have permission under the BungeeCord version of the plugin.
(Players who were able to see the usage messages were still unable to actually use the commands if they didn't have permission, and this didn't affect the Spigot version of LiteBans.)

Two hover-text instances in one message will no longer result in an error. (Only the first one will be used, though.)
----------, Dec 15, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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