LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.3.16 - 2.3.18
Important fixes:
Fixed MySQL error: "The server time zone value ... is unrecognized" by adding "&serverTimezone=UTC" option to config defaults.
( See FAQ on how to add it to an existing configuration if you experience this error)

Added "litebans.unban.own", "litebans.unmute.own", and "litebans.unwarn.own" permissions, which allow staff to remove punishments they have created but not of others.
These permissions are not true by default, in order to prevent regular players from seeing /unban, /unmute, /unwarn in tab completion results even if they've never banned a player before.
Staff *will require* these new permissions in order to use these commands, even if they already have litebans.unban, because commands can only be bound to one permission node at a time, and litebans.unban.own is the lesser permission.

Added ServerListPlus support (Spigot + BungeeCord).

Fixed LiteBans not working under Java 7 (due to a mistake, it would only work on Java 8 and above, which most people are using)

Fixed offline exempt permissions not being checked properly with cross-server kicks.

Fixed "litebans.exempt" not granting "litebans.exempt.kick" permission.

Fixed a bug where "/litebans broadcast" with broadcast-type argument would use "litebans.notify.broadcast" permission across servers rather than the specific permission node given.

API changes:
Implemented Entry.getId(); it will no longer return -1. Changed getId() return type from `int` to `long`.
If you were using this unimplemented function, you'll have to re-build your plugin against the latest API due to the type change.

Minor improvements:
Added the "executor" variable to cross-kick response messages.

Added "total" variable for /history and /staffhistory to represent the total number of matching entries.

Added "/ban-ip" and "/pardon-ip" aliases.

Added "litebans.cleariphistory.wildcard" permission for commands like "/litebans cleariphistory %". "litebans.cleariphistory" itself no longer allows wildcard clearing.

Minor fixes:
Fixed the new "default_history_limit" option not working as expected.

Fixed non-fatal "Interrupted during connection acquisition" error that could happen on shutdown

Fixed rare "Unhandled exception occured in onPacketReceiving" error that I can't replicate

Fixed "unbanned by null" issue that should only happen if the database columns are set to a blank string rather than NULL

If you are using the "/litebans broadcast" command with the broadcast-type argument, you'll need to update all LiteBans instances (not just the sender) in order for them to handle the broadcasts.

Latest ServerListPlus dev build is required if you want integration.
Older versions of SLP do not have the ban provider API.


Fixed errors with ServerListPlus under BungeeCord

Fixed errors with old, unsupported versions of ServerListPlus (LiteBans will skip it if it's too old instead of failing to start)


Fixed ServerListPlus issue: permanent bans will now show "never" as %ban_expiration_date%
----------, Jun 9, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
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