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LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.3 - 2.3.9
Added configurable permission-based ban duration and mute duration limits.

Added JSON hover text support for all messages.

Added support for importing from AdvancedBan (MySQL only, for now)

Added cooldown for the /ban command. Changed the way cooldowns work, within cooldown, the same executor cannot use /ban or /warn on the same player twice and they cannot use it on two separate players.
Added bypass permissions for cooldowns.

Added response to the BungeeCord version of the plugin when players attempt to switch to a server that they are banned on, previously no message would be sent.

Fixed muted players being able to bypass blacklisted commands that have arguments, e.g. "/mail send", by using more than one space between arguments ("/mail__send")
(This exploit doesn't apply to simple blacklists like "/msg")

Fixed server scope 'local' not working as expected when configured as default server scope.

API changes:
Added "--sender-uuid=" option for commands which allows overriding the sender UUID.

Minor improvements:
When using a H2 database, the username/password of your database will be stored in h2.yml on first load for future use.
This change mainly affects people who change the driver to MySQL, change the login details, then switch back to H2 and wonder why their database stops working with an "invalid username/password" error.

Commands like "/ipban" will now be correctly described in usage messages with the new "$command" variable.

Added command aliases: tempbanip, tempmuteip, ipunban, unmuteip, iptempban, iptempmute.

Updated default MySQL driver: 6.0.6 => 8.0.11 (MySQL 8)

Rewrote large parts of the plugin. Everything seems fine, hopefully no bugs.

Minor fixes:
Fixed mutechat response not being sent in some cases.

Fixed a rare startup error which caused cross-server synchronization to stop working under BungeeCord.

Other minor bugfixes.


New options will not be added automatically to config.yml. If you don't add them, there will be no permission limits. Otherwise, default options take effect if not present.
No action regarding config.yml is needed unless you want to use the new limits, in which case you can add them if you want to.

You can view the updates here:

Yes, the new duration limits also apply to IP bans and IP mutes.

The new duration limits:
Code (Text):
# The highest limit matched by permissions will be used for duration limits.
# If a player has "", they will bypass these.
    tempban: 1 month
    tempmute: 1 month
    tempban: 15 days
    tempmute: 7 days
    permission: none
    tempban: 7 days
    tempmute: 1 day
Viewing hover text requires the "litebans.json.hover_text" permission.
JSON hover text examples:
Code (Text):
message: 'Test message {hoverText: Hover text here!}'

Fixed the new $command variable in new message configurations.


Fixed the $date variable in /iphistory not working after 2.3 update.

Improved compatibility with versions of BungeeCord older than 1.11.

Minor fixes:
Fixed error handling regarding certain unexpected situations


Added configurable options for duration formats and separators in messages.yml.

Fixed the "$duration" variable (and others) not being available in the banned_player_join message since 2.3.3.

Fixed errors when attempting to ban, mute, or warn an online player but affecting a different server under Spigot (ban executed on Server1 + player online on Server1, ban only matches Server2, not Server1) -- default global scope unaffected, and BungeeCord version unaffected

/dupeip will now show online muted players as muted, not only offline players.

Minor improvements:
Optimized ban/mute commands regarding cooldown calculation.

New options in messages.yml:
Code (Text):
  format: '%d %s'
  separator: ', '
These options allow you to change the way durations are formatted. Chat colors are supported so you can now configure separate colors for numbers ("8" in 8 days) and strings ("days" in 8 days).
Duration text like "8 days, 3 hours, 22 minutes" is formatted as "%d %s, %d %s, %d %s" by default.
This can also be represented as "FSFSF" where F=format and S=separator.
All durations follow this format.


Updated for 1.13 API (api-version: 1.13). LiteBans is still fully compatible with older versions (1.7 - 1.12).
This update is not required for 1.13 support.

Removed "Thread starvation or clock leap detected" debug message as it causes clueless people to think that LiteBans is somehow involved with a server crash when it occurs.

Fixed "bungee_switch_banned" message variables not being replaced.

Fixed warning actions not inheriting silent state with new messages.yml (also fixed some warning actions always being silent)

Fixed warning action reason lists having inconsistent colors due to list_entry in messages.yml.

Minor improvements:
Added kick variables (like executor) to kick response message.

Extra-silent kicks will now respect "notify_console".

Clearchat is now implemented more efficiently, it will now send a single message with 100 newlines instead of 100 separate empty messages.

Added server ID and sync stats to `/litebans info`.

Added "mo" as valid duration specifier for "months"

Added "litebans.cleariphistory" permission for /litebans cleariphistory.

Minor fixes:
The `litebans.admin` permission is now required to add hover-text tokens to punishment reasons. (This won't work by default)

Fixed /staffrollback and /prunehistory showing the wrong type of errors when given invalid formats

Possibly fixed certain errors on /reload (untested)

Cross-server kick requests no longer require kicked players to have valid IP addresses.


Performance improvements for databases with very large amounts of active IP-bans (>100K bans), and some other query optimizations have been made for large databases in general.


Fixed BungeeCord error: "Cancelled ServerConnectEvent with no server or disconnect.", which could occur in rare situations.

Fixed database indexes for new columns not being generated as intended on existing databases (this fix improves performance)

Minor improvements:
Added warning if a player joins when LiteBans hasn't finished loading yet if late-bind isn't enabled in spigot.yml.


Regression: Fixed 'ignored_kick_messages' in config.yml not working as expected.
Empty kick reasons will now also not be added to the database if `ignored_kick_messages: ['']` is set.

Minor improvements:
Added "default_history_limit" option to config.yml which allows you to set the default amount of entries shown in /history and /staffhistory.


Fixed /lockdown kicking players who have litebans.lockdown.bypass.

Players with 17+ character usernames in offline-mode will be blocked from joining the server and their login will not be processed further.

Minor improvements:

Muted players who have had their mutes removed from the database directly (without /unmute) will have their state refreshed upon re-login.

ServerConnectEvent under BungeeCord is now ignored by LiteBans if cancelled by another plugin.
----------, Jun 21, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
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