LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.2.5 - 2.2.8
## Improvements
Improved performance of player IP history queries (affects dupeip on join).

Prefixed commands (/litebans:ban, /litebans:mute, etc) can now be used under the BungeeCord version of LiteBans. (Previously they would only work under Spigot)

Added configurable GeoIP whitelisting.

Added support for player variables in broadcasts ($playerName, $playerDisplayName, $playerUUID, $playerIP).

Added "litebans.notify.mutechat" permission for mutechat broadcasts.

Improved the /history command, it can now process multiple usernames belonging to the same IP address.

Added "/litebans timezone" command which allows you to check and change the cross-server timezone if `use_database_time` is enabled.

## Fixes
Fixed the `use_database_time` option using the local system timezone and returning different results across multiple servers.

Fixed cross-server kick messages referencing the executor's UUID in place of the executor's name (and vice versa).

The permission "litebans.ban" is no longer required for unbanning players.

Fixed permanent punishments which are rounded down (without litebans.unlimited) being broadcasted as permanent punishments rather than temporary punishments.

IP bans will no longer broadcast the IP address if there is a player name attached to the IP and /ipban <IP> is used.

Fixed rare "temporary player" error from ProtocolLib.

Fixed bugged interaction involving SimplePerms and exempt permissions when LiteBans is installed under BungeeCord, which prevented commands from working on offline players.

## Configuration changes
Disabled the "unban_all_history" option by default in config.yml since it causes issues for people who have broken IP forwarding setups.

Dupeip on join notifications will now use the "no_ip" message.

The default "banned_message_appeal_message" in messages.yml is now empty.

The "broadcast_unmute" message has been moved from the "ban" section to the "mute" section of messages.yml.

Removed the default kick response message.

Added documentation for time_format.

## API changes
The entryRemoved event will now be fired more reliably when "unban_all_history" is enabled, though it currently won't fire for all entries removed.

Commands like /ban, /mute, /warn now accept a "--sender=" argument which allows you to override the executor's name. Requires "litebans.admin" permission.


Minor update, no announcement.

## Fixes
In order to avoid confusion, /staffrollback no longer accepts more than two arguments.

Fixed possible memory leak regarding online players who haven't fired a quit event (I can't replicate this).

The warn broadcast will no longer replace "$player" with the executor's name. (only applies to very old messages.yml)

## API changes
The "--sender=" argument is now also supported with the /kick command.

## Minor improvements
"/litebans cleariphistory" added as alias for "/litebans clearhistory"

Minor update, no announcement.

## Fixes
Fixed warning actions being executed on display names instead of regular names when `use_display_names` is enabled in config.yml. (closes #38)

ignored_kick_messages now works as expected when this list contains strings that are not entirely lowercase.

## Minor improvements
Dupeip and /iphistory now support wildcard IP addresses once again (no performance loss for non-wildcard lookups)

When an online player is punished, they will now be checked and added to the history table if they are not already present.
(If the plugin was disconnected from the database or if it was loaded for the first time after the player has joined, they would not be present in the history table, causing punishments to be missing from /history and the web interface)

Added support for player-specific variables in /history and /staffhistory (e.g. $playerName)

Lots of internal changes. Hopefully no new bugs have been introduced.

## Improvements
Optimized the deactivate-expired-bans query execution. It will now execute every 12 hours instead of 30 seconds, and other servers connected to the same database will be notified not to execute it redundantly.
(Expired bans will still expire instantly, this query just marks them as inactive)
The more servers you have connected to the same database, the more you will benefit from this optimization.

## Minor improvements
Added warning regarding maximum pool connections when an exception occurs if it's set to a low value.
----------, Nov 14, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
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