LiteBans icon

LiteBans -----

A complete, modern, cross-server banning solution (Spigot, Bungee, Velocity).

LiteBans 2.1 - 2.1.15
Short summary:
+ SQLite -> H2
+ Unban history
+ Commands like /staffhistory can now target the console
+ Bugfixes and performance improvements

Full description:

SQLite has been replaced with H2. There are many reasons for this decision:
  • Much higher performance. H2 is significantly faster than SQLite.
  • More stability. There are some rare crash bugs in the native SQLite driver which I cannot fix, which result in the entire JVM crashing.
  • LiteBans is multithreaded and SQLite isn't thread-safe, only one write operation can be performed at a time which reduces overall performance.
  • SQLite does not support adding new columns to the database. The only way for me to do this is to re-create the entire database, which is too slow. This prevented me from adding unban history support for SQLite.

LiteBans will automatically convert existing SQLite databases to H2 databases. All punishments, punishment history, and IP history will be transferred to the new database.
No intervention or configuration is required and the plugin will continue working as normal.
(If you're not using SQLite you will be unaffected by this change.)

If the import succeeds, your SQLite database will be renamed to "litebans.sqlite.backup".
This can be safely deleted if H2 is working normally.

Added unban/unmute history. When using history commands (/history, /staffhistory, /banlist) you will now be able to see who unbanned or unmuted a player.
Bans, mutes and warnings which have expired will now also be shown as [Expired].

Commands like /staffhistory and /staffrollback can now be used on the console itself (you can view/rollback punishments executed by console).

Broadcasts will now *always* be sent to their executor if applicable (bans, mutes, warnings, kicks), even if the executor does not have the litebans.notify.broadcast permission.

Added separate command blacklist for /mutechat.

Minor performance improvements.

Many, many bugfixes included in minor updates since 2.0.

Changes and fixes since 2.0 worth mentioning (if you're running 2.0.XX you have some of these changes, see 2.0 changelog):
- Configurations under Spigot and BungeeCord now always support UTF-8 (config.yml + messages.yml).
- Fixed warning notifications not being synchronized properly if a player has multiple active warnings.
- Importing from BungeeAdminTools was fixed.
- LiteBans is now compatible with the newest version of AuthMeReloaded.
- Added /mutechat command to globally mute chat.
- Added litebans.ipmute permission.
- Dupeip notifications under BungeeCord will now only be triggered when a player connects to the proxy, not when they switch to a different server.

Fixed harmless import error.

Removed the ability to define custom paths for H2 due to the high amount of error reports.
The LiteBans plugin folder will now always be used for storing the H2 database rather than "address" in config.yml.

Fixed a bug preventing tables from upgrading successfully.
Improved table upgrade performance, alter queries are now sent in one batch.

The plugin will now use UTF-8 encoding when importing bans from a SQLite/H2 database.
Added support for importing from a LiteBans H2 database.
Fixed some issues with importing IP-bans with Ultrabans.

Fixed a harmless error when starting the plugin for the first time if config.yml doesn't exist yet.

Added online player tab completion for BungeeCord (requires litebans.tabcomplete permission)

Added "use_timezone" option to config.yml, enabled by default. Debug level 10 will show the time offset on startup.

Fixed the default date format. "YYYY" will now be replaced with "yyyy", unless you have "allowYYYY: true" in config.yml.

Fixed the /unwarn command, broken since 2.1

Fixed "unbanned by" messages always indicating the actor who placed the punishment rather than the actor who removed it.

Fixed a very rare table upgrade bug.

Fixed a minor permissions issue.

Fixed more rare table upgrade issues, all columns will now be individually checked on all tables.

Added support for non-dashed UUIDs (e.g. "b9b618bd671c303a9900ce0b3f6de348" instead of "b9b618bd-671c-303a-9900-ce0b3f6de348")
Optimized some database queries.

Fixed GeoIP database download errors.

The plugin will no longer skip table upgrade checks on next startup if an error occurred during the upgrade.
Added "/litebans table-upgrade-check" command which forces a full table upgrade check.

Fixed /dupeip merging player histories if used on a name which has been claimed by another account, only the last seen UUID matching the name will be used.
----------, Jul 5, 2016
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 18,068
First Release: Feb 5, 2015
Last Update: Sep 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
698 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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