This Plugin allows you to create special Enderchests. Each Enderchest has 3 colors to specify a inventory-code. (16 different Colors for each means 16*16*16=4096 different Enderchests) You can set your Enderchest private / public -> You can have 4096 private Enderchests per Player and also 4096 public accessible Enderchests
There is also a small support to show the Color-Code and if it is private/public and also if hoppers can output/input Items.
Each Linked Enderchest with the same Color-Code and same owner or public-mode has a shared Inventory!
Control the Enderchest: - Diamond with Sneak+Click = toggle private/public - Redstone-Torch with Sneak+Click = toggle automatic output/input with Hoppers - Dye on the Left/Top/Right with Sneak+Click = Change the Color-Code of the Enderchest
Only the Owner of a Chest can change those settings and access the Enderchest in private mode!
Planned Features: - Config to configure some Settings (Crafting-Recipe + Messages) - Ender-Backpacks to access the LinkedEnderchest wireless - Allow Friends to open private Chests