LightGapCooldown - Cooldown Plugin for Enchanted Golden Apples
The LightGapCooldown plugin is the perfect solution to prevent your players from excessively using Enchanted Golden Apples. This plugin ensures that players must wait for a specified cooldown period before they can use this powerful item again. Here are the features of the plugin:
Customizable Cooldown Duration: Easily adjust the cooldown duration through the config.yml file.
Customizable Warning Message: Fully customize the message shown to players attempting to use another Enchanted Golden Apple during the cooldown period.
Action Bar Support: Display the cooldown message in the action bar, allowing players to see the remaining time quickly.
OP Bypass: An option to exempt admins from the cooldown period.
Inventory Slot Cooldown: Visualize the cooldown indicator on the Enchanted Golden Apple slot in the inventory.
/lightgapreload: Reloads the configuration file and applies changes immediately.
How to Use:
Add and install the plugin on your server.
Open the config.yml file and customize the cooldown duration and other settings.
Use the /lightgapreload command on your server to apply the settings immediately.
LightGapCooldown helps make the experience with Enchanted Golden Apples more fair and balanced. Try it out today to enhance the quality of your server and provide a better experience for your players!
gif: soon
Download and start using it now!
# Cooldown duration for eating enchanted golden apples (in seconds)
cooldown-duration: 60
# Message shown to players when they try to eat another enchanted golden apple during the cooldown
cooldown-message: "&cwait &b%time%s &cto eat again."
# Should the message be displayed in the action bar? Set to true or false.
actionbar-message: true
# Should OPs bypass the cooldown? Set to true or false.
op-bypass: true
# Should the cooldown indicator appear on the item slot in the inventory? Set to true or false.
slot-cooldown: true
# Message displayed when the configuration is reloaded via the /lightgapreload command
reload-message: "&aConfiguration has been reloaded successfully!"