LifeStolen icon

LifeStolen -----

Yet another LifeSteal plugin.

This update fixes a very serious bug, which would allow people to take items out of the /viewrecipes menu on Minecraft version 1.20.6
----------, Jul 8, 2024

All this update added was a fix to the Could not pass event InventoryClickEvent bug.
----------, Jul 7, 2024

On top of adding/changing/updating stuff, 5.1 also fixes stuff which made certain aspects of the plugin not able to work on versions 1.20.6+, so now LifeStolen should work on 1.20.6+. Anyways, here's the changelogs.

- Custom Model Data support for items

- Changed Required Java Version from 1.8 -> 21
- Command changes (all by @TheDiscordian)
- /revive now has a return value.
- Bound checks and code cleanup for /viewrecipes
- Certain HTTP requests will now be done if the player has a certain permission (by @TheDiscordian)
----------, Jul 6, 2024

Unlike 4.0, after around one month of development and one tested release, 5.0 is here, and with the first contributor to the project! This will also include notes from 4.1. So here is what was added, changed/fixed/reworked, or removed.

- Added bStats support for metrics.
- Added a usage counter for the Reviver item (reviver.haveLimitedUses and reviver.uses)
- Added an optional number arg to the /withdraw command allowing more than one heart to be withdrawn at once.
- Added offline support for the Spectator mode using OfflineManager ( @TheDiscordian in #7)
- Added the [LifeStolen] tag to most messages within game.
- Made some error messages and server name editable. (view translations in config)
- Added new commands
- /clearusage - Allows admins to reset a players usage counter for items.
- /viewusage - Allows you to view your usage counter for items.
- /givereviver - Allows admins to give yourself a reviver item.
- /revive - Allows admins to revive players ( @TheDiscordian in #8)
- Added new config options within permissions
- permissions.viewrecipes allows you to set the /viewrecipes command to be permission based.
- permissions.viewusage allows you to set the /viewusage command to be permission based.

- Fixed heart/reviver limits.
- Fixed a no argument error with /withdraw ( @TheDiscordian in #9)
- Where deathMessages in the config is located, it is now located in translations.deathMessages.
- Reworked /lshelp command.

- Nothing.
----------, Feb 21, 2024

This update just implements a few QOL stuff from 5.0 (to be exact, 5.0 Tested 1.0), here is what was added, or changed/fixed.

- Added bStats support for metric stuff.
- Added an optional number arg to the /withdraw command allowing more than one heart to be withdrawn at once.
- Added offline support for the Spectator mode using OfflineManager ( @TheDiscordian in #7)

- Fixed heart/reviver limits.
- Fixed a no argument error with /withdraw ( @TheDiscordian in #9)
----------, Feb 18, 2024

4.0 is finally here after two test releases and over 10 months since the last release! Here's what has been added, changed, or removed.
- A way to teleport you to a place upon full death (read the new config options)
- A way to view crafting recipes for custom items within LifeStolen (read the new added commands)
- A new options to add permissions to commands that would initially not have permissions.
- Added new commands
- /viewrecipes [heart/reviver] will allow you to view the crafting recipes for hearts and revivers.
- /vercheck allows you to check the plugin's version and will tell you about outdated versions.
- New config options
- disableVersionMessage, while it's not encouraged to enable this, if you do enable it, when you have an outdated version of LifeStolen, it won't send the outdated message.
- teleportOnDeath allows you to teleport someone once they died in game.
- The teleporting.* category has everything needed for the teleportOnDeath option, including the input coordinates (xCoord, yCoord, zCoord), option to set the gamemode on death (gamemode) and the option to give the default reset HP amount on teleport (giveDefaultHP)
- Commands can now run once a full death occurs, with the runCommandsOnDeath bool and the commands category for running commands on a full death now being in the config.
- deathMessages is now a category of death messages allowing you to set a custom message for when someone dies from explosions, shooting, etc.
- Config stuff
- Changed the name of the coordinates for teleporting on full death from xCoord, yCoord, zCoord to xCord, yCord, zCord
- Changed the name of the full death mesasge from publicDeathAnnouncement to fullDeathAnnouncement
- Death related options has its own category (death.*)
- Banning related options has its own category (banning.*)
- MaxHP is now in the HP.* category (HP.maxHP)
- How final deaths work, instead of being banned, put in spectator, and now being teleported on death, you now get banned, put in spectator, and teleported once you respawn.
- Removed the permissions and permissionMessage config options for most of the commands.
----------, Jan 14, 2024

This update adds, or changes the following:

- Added permanently banning players using the config setting "permBan".
- Changed the link for detecting old versions from Pastebin to SpigotMC.
- Added pages for /lshelp.
- Fixed the permission for outdated messages.
- Changed the default Heart recipe to this.
- Changed the default Reviver recipe to this.
----------, Mar 15, 2023

Simple update that only fixes the reviver item.
----------, Jan 26, 2023

This updates has implemented the following:

  • Fixed the /lshelp command.
  • Added a new config setting, dropHeartOnDeath. If enabled, when a player dies from a way where you can lose a heart, the player loses a heart and drops a heart item.
----------, Jan 22, 2023

There is finally an update after almost 5 months. This update adds and changes.
  • Added a new command, /lshelp which shows all the commands with LifeStolen. (Broken but will fix in Release 2.1)
  • Added custom user config.
  • New stuff added to the configs.yml.
  1. clearItemsOnFullDeath | When you die and lose all your hearts, your inventory will get cleared.
  2. permissions.messages | Permissions to see different messages will be here, first one is permissions.messages.outdatedPermissionMessage which is for the "there is a new version message"
  3. heart.haveLimitedUses | Makes it so you can use hearts a certain amount of times before you cannot use it anymore.
  4. heart.uses | The amount of uses before you cannot use a heart item anymore (works if heart.haveLimitedUses is true)
  • Hearts can now be limited use (as shown above with the configs)
  • You can now clear a players inventory when a player dies (as shown above with the configs)
  • Changed the new version message.
  • Changed the default heart item. (Red Dye)
----------, Jan 1, 2023

This RELEASE update,

- Teleporting when being revived when in Spectator using Revivers.
- A check to see if a plugin is outdated on server start. (It will show in the console)
- The option to change the default public death announcement which is the announcement that is made when a player loses all their hearts. (See 'publicDeathAnnouncement' in the Configs)
- The option to set the start/first join health (See HP.startHP in the Configs)

- The way logs work in the console (Changed to Logger instead of System.out)
----------, Aug 6, 2022

This update,

- You can now choose if you want to lose hearts from everything or just players. (anyDeathRemovesHearts in the config.)
- Spectators can be revived from a Reviver. (Player has to be online for it to work.)

- Crafting recipe for a Reviver. (See Commands and Crafting Recipes for the current recipe.)

- Reviver bug where if you place a Reviver when you already placed on, it doesn't remove it and it places.
- Heart bug where sometimes, you'll place redstone and not give you a heart.
----------, Jul 31, 2022

It is time for pre-releases. This update adds

  • Reviver. Place it down and put someone's name in chat and if they are banned, they will be unbanned (Currently works if 'banOnDeath' is true. Spectator is being worked on.)
  • Setting a custom item name or lore for a Heart or Reviver.
----------, Jul 29, 2022

This update added:

- An option to set an items to be either enabled/disabled
- An option for players to either be banned or put in spectator when killed
- A reload command (reloadls) so you don't have to restart the server (Suggested by Olidnz421 on Discord)
----------, Jul 26, 2022

This update adds or changes the following
  • Changed the default permission message
  • Added two new commands | /addhealth [player] [amount] | Adds health to the max health and /removehealth [player] [amount] | Removes health to the max health (Add health command suggested by Olidnz421 on Discord)
  • You can now change the permissions to run commands and permission message in the configs
  • Fixed bugs
----------, Jun 30, 2022

This update changes a few things:

  • Changed the default heart item from Red Dye to Redstone.
  • You can now change the heart item in the config.
  • Added the 'lifestolen.*' permission.
  • Fixed some bugs.
----------, Jun 27, 2022

This is a quick emergency update to a bug that was founded

This just fixed a dupe glitch with the /withdraw command.
----------, Jun 7, 2022

This update adds a few new things:

  • There are two new commands. /sethealth - Sets the players health (You will need the lifestolen.sethealth permission to use this command) and /withdraw - Withdraws a heart from you. (both suggested by Oildnz421 on Discord)
  • Changed how banning works, so now you can get banned for a set amount of time and you can change the ban message and the kick message you get when you are banned. (also suggested by Oildnz421 on Discord)
  • You can now set a cap on how much HP a player can get before it no longer gives them hearts (suggested by anastasios.exe on Discord)
----------, Jun 6, 2022

Sorry for the lack of update! But here is an update now.

  • Had to remove the option to not ban staff because of a bug.
  • Now everytime you die, no matter what, you will lose hearts.
  • Instead of kicking you everytime you join when you lose all your hearts, when you lose all your hearts you will be banned. (To unban someone, it's the normal /pardon command.)
----------, Jun 4, 2022

Hello, there is finally a new update after 2 months.

This update brings a few thing

- More "cleaner code", viewable through the source code (

- Crafting recipe for a heart is now editable through the config.yml

- Added the /giveheart command after forgetting to last update.

- Changed the /resethealth command to /resethp

- Changed the default crafting recipe for Heart (Recipe:

- Fixed some issues
----------, Mar 20, 2022

This is the staff permission update which adds:

- Option to kick/ban staffs when they lose all health (Editable in configs, setting it to true will make it so staff gets kicked when they hit the min hp, setting it to false will make it so if someone has the permission below they won't be kicked)

- New permission related to the new kick/ban staff (lifestolen.savefromkick)
----------, Jan 16, 2022

So I broke the entire purpose of the plugin with the recent update so I had to disable the Min/Max HP config
----------, Jan 16, 2022

Hello, this update adds:

- Configs
- Ban/Kicking the player when they are at min health (Editable through configs)
- Min/Max health (Editable through configs)
- Two new commands
- Heart item (Recipe to make it is on the GitHub Wiki)
----------, Jan 16, 2022

Hello, this update adds:

- Configs
- A heart item (Crafting recipe is on the GitHub Wiki)
- Basically banning the player when they are out of hearts (You can disable this in configs)
- Min/Max Health (You can edit this also in configs)
----------, Jan 16, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,372
First Release: Jan 15, 2022
Last Update: Jul 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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