Let Your Memory Rest [1.8 - 1.21.4] icon

Let Your Memory Rest [1.8 - 1.21.4] -----

a powerful performance optimization plugin designed to manage and reduce your Minecraft server's RAM

Configuration Guide:
Here’s a detailed explanation of each configuration option available in the config.yml:

- General Settings:
- delay-in-ticks: The interval (in ticks) for forcing garbage collection to clean up unused memory. Default: 600 (30 seconds).
- send-logs: Enable or disable logging of plugin actions and events. Default: true.
- skip-when-ram-usage-is-in-percentage: The RAM usage threshold (in percentage) below which garbage collection is skipped. Set to 0 to disable this feature. Default: 0.

- Entity Management:
- entity-to-clear: List of entity types to be periodically cleared to optimize RAM usage. Default: ["minecraft:bat", "minecraft:boat", "minecraft:minecart"].
- entity-clear-delay-in-ticks: The interval (in ticks) for clearing specified entities. Set to 0 to disable entity clearing. Default: 1200 (1 minute).

- Redstone Management:
- max-redstone-per-chunk: The maximum number of redstone components allowed per chunk. Default: 100.
- slower-redstone: Enable or disable slowing down of redstone circuits to prevent lag machines. Default: true.

- End Crystal Explosion Control:
- end-crystal-explosion-disabled: Disable end crystal explosions while preserving their damage and knockback effects. Default: true.

- Command Spam Protection:
- timeout-player-enabled: Enable or disable kicking players who spam commands to prevent server overload. Default: true.

- Chunk Optimization:
- max-entities-per-chunk: The maximum number of entities allowed per chunk to prevent lag. Default: 50.
- max-items-per-chunk: The maximum number of item entities allowed per chunk to prevent lag from dropped items. Default: 10000.
- entity-check-interval: The interval (in ticks) for checking and limiting entities in chunks. Default: 600 (30 seconds).
- max-tile-entities-per-chunk: The maximum number of tile entities (like chests, hoppers) allowed per chunk to prevent lag. Default: 50.

- Memory Management:
- memory-cleanup-interval: The interval (in ticks) for performing memory cleanup tasks. Default: 1200 (1 minute).
- ram-warning-threshold: The RAM usage threshold (in percentage) at which a warning is logged. Default: 75.0.
- ram-critical-threshold: The RAM usage threshold (in percentage) at which a critical alert is logged and the plugin is disabled to prevent crashes. Default: 90.0.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,085
First Release: Jun 20, 2024
Last Update: Feb 16, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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