LegionScan Developer Edition
The DEV edition represents experimental phases, so don’t expect it to provide 100% protection for your server.
What type of scans does the plugin perform?
As a plugin under constant development with regular security updates, we’ve implemented a 100% detection filter for infected plugins using
Javassist. Additionally, an anti-backdoor mechanism has been added to address certain classes, such as cracked plugins that include a backdoor package targeting the auth-server.
Backdoor Detection in Plugins
Currently, only one type of backdoor is detected, so don’t expect it to detect others, including those I might not be aware of. However, don't worry; our API will be continually updated with more security improvements over time.
At this stage, the plugin filters 100% of plugins infected with
Javassist. However, it currently does not detect other types of infections. Work is ongoing to release an extended version with new processes to block.
All records of infected plugins will be saved in the
plugins/legionscan/alert.log folder, including the specific path where the plugin is infected.