This plugin doesn't support 1.21.4. It would be better if it could be updated!
Thank you very much to the creator. This plugin is really excellent to use!
Configuration is way too complex, you may need to edit two files to setup one single feature.
Storage is based on player name instead of UUID. If a player change his username, they will lose all guild data.
You can instead of having players proactively ask to join, create an additional command to proactively invite someone to join /guild invite %player_name% and in the guild icon section you can add a custom upload section for guild requirements Association reaches certain levels and pays certain fees
Thank you. I will get him to support 1.21 as soon as possible
Good plugin, the customization feature is strong, I like it. The cmd of the GUI fuction is not working, can you fix it?
# - - - fuction:
# - - - type: cmd
# - - - value: [player]/spawn
the new version of the plugin does not even launch on 1.12.2, only, you cannot remove this “no guild” inscription in the placeholder, an error immediately appears
In the previous version, there was a new guild red envelope
When updating to the latest version, the balance of the guild red envelope will be cleared to 0
As a result, it cannot be collected and it is always displayed on the top.
Guild application: After passing other diversion points, go to other diversion points
There will be another application
Issues in the latest version of Guild
Guild red envelopes before the updated version will have their original red envelope balance cleared.
As a result, it is displayed above and cannot be received.
After opening /guild list here, the name should originally be displayed as the guild name.
But it will be changed to the name of the item, etc.
such as diamond
Check the guild creation section of config. It is possible that you have set a price requirement for playerpoints, but your server has not followed this plugin
The work of the author is fantastic, showcasing incredible creativity and skill.
I found a problem. The information of ordinary members and offline members will not be displayed in the list of union members, which makes it impossible to ask them out of the union.
This issue has been fixed in the new version and updated for use!
Version: 5.1.1
Very good plug-in, mine is linux system, after the player quits the guild, after the cooling-off, it will show that the player has a trade union. And the %LegendaryGuild_guild% variable will report an error.