LegendaryDailyQuests ✨ an ultimate random quest system with unlimited custom cycles. icon

LegendaryDailyQuests ✨ an ultimate random quest system with unlimited custom cycles. -----

Not just daily quests! Custom refresh cycle 30+quest objectives, 25+target conditions


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Plugin Features

  • Unlimited custom tasks
  • Unlimited task cycle categories (meaning you can create daily tasks, weekly tasks, monthly tasks, annual tasks...) and data is independent of each other
  • Multiple goals can be set within each task
  • Additional completion conditions can be set for each goal
  • Each cycle comes with a final reward (i.e. a reward that can be claimed by completing all tasks refreshed in that cycle, and the reward collection data will be reset for each round)
  • Supports MySQL/SQLite storage
  • Comes with 30+ task target types (constantly updated)
  • Comes with 20+ task condition judgments (constantly updated)
  • Simple task configuration (can easily complete a task with just a few lines)
  • Built in plugin documentation
  • Set any specified number of goals to complete the quest
Plugin Objectives
  1. PlaceholderAPI: The target server will perform a match every second. If the value of the variable specified by the player is greater than or equal to the set amount, the target is completed!
  2. Trigger: This goal can only be manually increased by instructions to increase the progress of the task target Increase the number of progress command:
    Code (Text):
    /ldq trigger [categorize] [quest] [goalID] [amount]
  3. KILL_ENTITY: Kill entity
  4. KILL_CUSTOM: Kill an entity with a specified name
  5. BREED: Breeding entities
  6. SHEAR: Shear from a entity
  7. TAME: Tame a entity
  8. BREAK: Break a block
  9. ENCHANT: Enchant of specified level
  10. BREW: Brewing a specified potion
  11. GIVE_ITEM: Submit a specified item(vanilla or custom) in menu.
  12. CRAFT: Craft specified items
  13. HARVEST: Harvest
  14. FISH: Fishing
  15. COOK: Cook specific items in the furnace or Blast furnace
  16. CONSUME: Consume specific items
  17. ITEM_BROKEN: Damage to specific items
  18. MILKING: Milking
  19. TRADE: Trade with villagers
  20. MOVE: Move a specified distance
  21. GAIN_EXP: Gain exp
  22. GAIN_LEVEL: Gain level
  23. GAIN_FOOD: Gain food level
  24. TAKE_FOOD: Take food level
  25. DEATH: Specific number of player deaths
  26. ATTACK_DAMAGE: Causing damage to entities
  27. PROJECTILE_DAMAGE: Causing projectile damage to entities
  28. DAMAGED: Received damage
  29. BLOCKING: Using a shield to block damage
  30. BLOCKING_PROJECTILE: Using a shield to block projectile damage
  31. CHAT: Chat
  32. DELAY: Delay by specified seconds
  33. More will be constantly updated...
Objective Conditions:

    • More will be constantly updated...
Plugin Pictures

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 656
First Release: May 2, 2024
Last Update: Aug 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings