LegacyKB Compiled for newers version
With addition of
Lag compensation system,
useful for pvp server.
# Knockback Settings
knockbackHorizontal: 0.35 # Horizontal knockback. Adjusts the horizontal distance players are pushed.
knockbackVertical: 0.30 # Vertical knockback. Adjusts the vertical distance players are pushed.
knockbackVerticalLimit: 0.36 # Maximum limit for vertical knockback. Prevents vertical knockback from exceeding this value.
knockbackExtraHorizontal: 0.305 # Extra horizontal knockback provided by Knockback enchantment on the weapon.
knockbackExtraVertical: 0.085 # Extra vertical knockback provided by Knockback enchantment on the weapon.
enableKnockbackResistance: false # Indicates whether knockback resistance should be enabled. If true, players will experience less knockback.
# Lag Compensation Settings
enableLagCompensation: true # Indicates whether lag compensation should be enabled. If true, the plugin will compensate for player movement to mitigate lag effects.
lagCompensationHistorySize: 40 # Size of the lag compensation history. Determines how many historical positions are stored for each player.
lagCompensationPingOffset: 92 # Ping offset for lag compensation. Adjusts the number of milliseconds added to the rewind time to account for lag.
lagCompensationTimeResolution: 30 # Time resolution for lag compensation. Determines how frequently historical positions are updated.
lagCompensationFactor: 0.5 # Compensation factor for lag compensation. Adjusts how much player movement is corrected based on lag compensation.