lEconomy icon

lEconomy -----

Simple and configurable Minecraft economy plugin with transactions and admin tools.

lEconomy Plugin Documentation


The lEconomy plugin provides a fully functional economy system for your Minecraft server. It includes player-to-player transactions, admin control over balances, and extensive configuration options to suit your server’s needs.

  • Player Transactions: Allow players to send money to each other securely using /pay.
  • Admin Tools: Manage player balances with admin commands.
  • Fully Configurable: Customize starting balances, messages, and more in the configuration file.
  • Cooldown System: Prevent command spamming with a 1-second cooldown.
  • Anti-Self-Transfer: Players cannot send money to themselves.
  • Console Logs: All commands and transactions are logged in the server console.
  1. Download the plugin jar file.
  2. Place the jar file into your server's plugins folder.
  3. Restart your server.
  4. Edit the config.yml file to customize the plugin to your liking.
  5. Use /reload or restart your server to apply changes.

Player Commands
/pay Send (money to another player) /pay <player> <amount>
/balance (Check your current balance) /balance

Admin Commands

/money give Add money to a player's balance. /money give <player> <amount>
/money remove (Remove money from a player's balance) /money remove <player> <amount>
/money set (Set a player's balance to a specific amount) /money set <player> <amount>

economy.admin (Allows access to admin commands)

The plugin generates a config.yml file in the plugin's folder. Below is an example configuration:

starting-balance: 100.0
command-cooldown: 1 # Cooldown in seconds between commands
balance-check: "&aYour balance is: &e{balance}"
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
invalid-amount: "&cAmount must be a valid number."
player-not-found: "&cPlayer not found."
self-transfer: "&cYou cannot send money to yourself."
cooldown-active: "&cYou must wait before using this command again."
transfer-success: "&aYou sent &e{amount} &ato &b{receiver}&a."
transfer-received: "&b{sender} &asent you &e{amount}&a."
insufficient-funds: "&cYou do not have enough money."
set-balance: "&aYou set &b{player}'s &abalance to &e{amount}&a."
add-balance: "&aYou added &e{amount} &ato &b{player}'s &abalance."
remove-balance: "&aYou removed &e{amount} &afrom &b{player}'s &abalance."

Editable Options
  1. starting-balance: Sets the initial balance for players upon joining the server.
  2. command-cooldown: Cooldown time (in seconds) between commands.
  3. messages: Customize all messages sent to players during plugin use.
  • Designed for Minecraft Spigot API 1.21.
  • May work on newer versions with Spigot's API backward compatibility.
If you encounter any issues or have feature requests, feel free to contact us via:

  • SpigotMC forums.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 10
First Release: Yesterday at 8:23 PM
Last Update: Yesterday at 8:23 PM
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All-Time Rating:
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