lEconomy Plugin Documentation
lEconomy plugin provides a fully functional economy system for your Minecraft server. It includes player-to-player transactions, admin control over balances, and extensive configuration options to suit your server’s needs.
- Player Transactions: Allow players to send money to each other securely using /pay.
- Admin Tools: Manage player balances with admin commands.
- Fully Configurable: Customize starting balances, messages, and more in the configuration file.
- Cooldown System: Prevent command spamming with a 1-second cooldown.
- Anti-Self-Transfer: Players cannot send money to themselves.
- Console Logs: All commands and transactions are logged in the server console.
- Download the plugin jar file.
- Place the jar file into your server's plugins folder.
- Restart your server.
- Edit the config.yml file to customize the plugin to your liking.
- Use /reload or restart your server to apply changes.
Player Commands
/pay Send (money to another player) /pay <player> <amount>
/balance (Check your current balance) /balance
Admin Commands
/money give Add money to a player's balance. /money give <player> <amount>
/money remove (Remove money from a player's balance) /money remove <player> <amount>
/money set (Set a player's balance to a specific amount) /money set <player> <amount>
economy.admin (Allows access to admin commands)
The plugin generates a config.yml file in the plugin's folder. Below is an example configuration:
starting-balance: 100.0
command-cooldown: 1 # Cooldown in seconds between commands
balance-check: "&aYour balance is: &e{balance}"
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
invalid-amount: "&cAmount must be a valid number."
player-not-found: "&cPlayer not found."
self-transfer: "&cYou cannot send money to yourself."
cooldown-active: "&cYou must wait before using this command again."
transfer-success: "&aYou sent &e{amount} &ato &b{receiver}&a."
transfer-received: "&b{sender} &asent you &e{amount}&a."
insufficient-funds: "&cYou do not have enough money."
set-balance: "&aYou set &b{player}'s &abalance to &e{amount}&a."
add-balance: "&aYou added &e{amount} &ato &b{player}'s &abalance."
remove-balance: "&aYou removed &e{amount} &afrom &b{player}'s &abalance."
Editable Options
- starting-balance: Sets the initial balance for players upon joining the server.
- command-cooldown: Cooldown time (in seconds) between commands.
- messages: Customize all messages sent to players during plugin use.
- Designed for Minecraft Spigot API 1.21.
- May work on newer versions with Spigot's API backward compatibility.
If you encounter any issues or have feature requests, feel free to contact us via: