LavaProofis a Minecraft plugin designed to ensure that items do not burn when they come into contact with lava. This plugin is perfect for server administrators who want to protect valuable items from accidental destruction in lava. Note that the items are only protected from lava, not fire. If you would like your items to also be safe from fire, please feel free to make a suggestion by rating the plugin.
Prevent Item Burning: Items specified in the configuration file will not burn when they touch lava.
Customizable Item List: Easily configure which items are protected from burning using the config.yml file.
High Priority Event Handling: Ensures that items remain unaffected by lava, overriding other potential handlers.
/lavaproof add <item>: Add an item to the list of items that won't burn in lava.
/lavaproof remove <item>: Remove an item from the list of items that won't burn in lava.
/lavaproof help: Displays a help message listing all available commands that the player has permission to use.
/lavaproof reload: Reloads the plugin configuration, updating any changes made in the `config.yml` file.
lavaproof.admin: Grants access to use all commands.
lavaproof.add: Allows the player to use the /lavaproof add command.
lavaproof.remove: Allows the player to use the /lavaproof remove command.
lavaproof.reload: Grants permission to reload the plugin's configuration file.
Support You can contact me on discord marcifyx if you need assistance. Feel free to message me if you encountered a bug within the plugin. I will do my best to fix them as soon as possible. You can make a suggestion by rating the plugin, and I'll be glad to implement it. Thank you!
Code (YAML):
# List of items that won't burn in lava (e.g. DIAMOND) no-burn-items: - DIAMOND
added-item: '&8
] &eAdded &6
%item% &eto the list.' removed-item: '&8
] &eRemoved &6
%item% &efrom the list.' add-usage: '&8
] &eUsage
: /lavaproof add <item>'
remove-usage: '&8
] &eUsage
: /lavaproof remove <item>'
already-added: '&8
] &eItem already exists from the list!'
item-not-found: '&8
] &6
%item% &edoes not exist on the list!' invalid-item: '&8
] &eInvalid item!'
unknown-command: '&8
] &eUnknown command.'
no-permission: '&8
] &eYou do not have permission to use this command!'
reload-message: '&8
] &eConfig reloaded!'
# Header for the help command output. help-header: "&6&lLavaProof Help"
# Format for each command description in the help command output. # %command% is the command name. # %description% is the command description. help-commands: "&6/%command% &f- &e%description%"