Create spring boards to launch yourself and other players into the air.
The latest version of this plugin requires Minecraft/Spigot 1.21.3+
Description A launch plate (or launchpad) is created by placing a pressure plate on top of any chosen block. When a player steps on the plate, he/she will be launched upwards to
any configurable height. The type of block and type of pressure plate are both configurable in the config.yml and can be set using commands. The default block is obsidian with a gold pressure plate placed on top.
The height to which the player is launched is controlled by the "force" variable in the configuration file, set with the "/lp setforce" command. The actual height achieved can be controlled to a good degree of accuracy by specifying the force as a decimal. The default force is 0.8 which will launch the player about 16 blocks up. Unlike a lot of similar plugins,
there is no limit to the height a player can be launched to. So, for example, a force of 4.0 will launch the player about 60 blocks up, while a force of 8.0 will launch the player about 128 blocks up.
No fall damage is inflicted on the players, so LaunchPlate can be used in any gamemode.
LaunchPlate can be used as a fun addition to a lobby/hub or even as an extension to a parkour course.
Using LaunchPlate
LaunchPlate is super easy to use, changes are made by command using tab completion, and are instant (no need to reload the plugin).
Download Options The latest version of LaunchPlate requires Minecraft 1.21.3+
Version 3.3 requires Java 17 and Minecraft 1.17.1 - 1.21
The versions below are available for download but are no longer supported:
Version 3.2 of LaunchPlate requires Java 16 and
Minecraft 1.17.1
Version 3.0 of LaunchPlate will run on
Minecraft 1.16.5
Version 2.5 of LaunchPlate will run on
Minecraft 1.13 to 1.15.2.
Version 1.8 is for
Minecraft 1.9 to 1.12.2 is available from
Version 1.7 is for
Minecraft version 1.8 available from the 'Version History' tab.
Configuration Options Fully supports all new blocks and sounds in Minecraft 1.18.
Some coloured particle effects are supported, e.g. REDSTONE and DUST_COLOR_TRANSITION, but Vibration particles and Material particles, e.g. FALLING_DUST and ITEM_CRACK are not supported.
set base block type
set pressure plate type to be used
optionally add a Minecraft sound effect on launch
optionally add a Minecraft particle effect on launch
adjust the height of the bounce
give the player a forward trajectory instead of a vertical bounce
Default Configuration File
Code (YAML):
########################################## # LaunchPlate default configuration file # # # # Create a spring board using any block # # and pressure plate. # ########################################## # Block beneath the pressure plate Material: OBSIDIAN
# # Height for vertical bounce. Rough Guide: 1.8 = 16 blocks, 4.0 = 60 blocks, 8.0 = 128 blocks. Force: 0.8
# # Vertical bounce only. If true, player is sent straight up, forward velocity is controlled by 'w' key. Vertical_Bounce: true
# # Add a launch sound (optional). Remove the '#' from one of the Sounds to activate, or use command "/lp setsound " with tab-completion. # Available sounds can be found here: #Sound: ENTITY_DRAGON_FIREBALL_EXPLODE #Sound: ENTITY_EVOKER_PREPARE_WOLOLO #Sound: ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_LAUNCH # # Add a particle effect on launch (optional). Remove the '#' from one of the Trails to activate, or use command "/lp settrail " with tab-completion. # Available particle effects can be found here: #Trail: SPELL_WITCH #Trail: CAMPFIRE_SIGNAL_SMOKE #Trail: REDSTONE # # Check for new version Check_For_Update: true
This plugin uses
tab-completion making it very simple to select and test different sound and particle effects. The changes are instant (no need to reload the plugin).
The plugin LuckPerms uses the same command alias
lp, so although tab completion makes this redundant to some extent, there is an additional
lpl alias which can be used for LaunchPlate if you also have the LuckPerms plugin on your server.
/lpl setblock- set the base block of the launchplate (Material)
/lpl setplate- set the type of pressure plate (Material)
/lpl setsound- set a sound effect on launch
/lpl settrail- set a particle effect on launch
/lpl setforce- set force to determine height of bounce
/lpl setvertical- if true, player launches vertically
/lpl reload- reloads the config.yml file
All of the above require
launchplate.admin permission
/lpl list- list the current LaunchPlate settings
/lpl help- display full list of commands
/lpl- information about the plugin
Permissions Setting permission
launchplate.use: false in worlds where LaunchPlate is not used or not required should make a small performance improvement.
Code (Text):
description: used to control who can use launchplates and where.
default: true
description: required to run "/lp reload" command
default: op
Installation For upgrading, check the release notes for each release.
Download LaunchPlate.jar
Copy to your 'plugins' folder
Restart your server - this will create the default config.yml
Issues To discuss any issues or suggest new features please join our Discord server.