Below is the new configuration.
(Significant changes, I recommend resetting or use this config.)
Code (Text):
"tickRate": 40,
"removeOldDataAfterSpecifiedHours": 12,
"numberLeaderboardRowsPerPage": 1,
"showOnlyVisiblePlayersOnLeaderboard": true,
"pageableInventoryNextPageTitle": "&aNext Page &7-->",
"pageableInventoryBackPageTitle": "&7<-- &cBack Page",
"inventoryFillerTitle": "&8[]",
"commandNotExecutableByConsole": "&cThis command cannot be executed by the console.",
"noPingDataAvailable": "&cNo ping data available for {player}.",
"invalidTimeInterval": "&cInvalid time interval specified.",
"timeIntervalMissing": "&cTime interval is missing.",
"invalidArgument": "&cInvalid argument: {arg}.",
"pingInfo": "&6{player}'s Ping: {ping}ms &6[&eAvg: {avgPing}ms&e, σ: {deviation}ms &f({descriptor}&f)&6]",
"usagePlayer": "Specifies the player whose ping to check. If not specified, checks the sender's ping.",
"usageTimeInterval": "Time range for historical data in seconds (e.g., -t:300 or -t:0 for historical data)",
"commandOnlyByPlayer": "&cThis command can only be used by players.",
"noPermission": "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command.",
"playerLatencyLeaderboardTitle": "&ePlayer Latency Leaderboard",
"displayNameFormat": "{gradient}#{position} &8- &6{playerName}",
"pingInfoFormat": "&7Current Ping: &c{currentPing}ms &8({coloredPercentage}% &7{underOverStatus} avg&8)",
"peakInfoFormat": "&7Peak Latency: &c{peakPing}ms &f(last hour)",
"avgHistoricalPingFormat": "&7Avg. Ping: {avgPing}ms &7(&e5m: {average5Minutes}ms, &e15m: {average15Minutes}ms, &e30m: {average30Minutes}ms&7)",
"fluctuationDeviationInfoFormat": "&7Fluctuation: &b{fluctuation}ms &8| &7Deviation: &6{deviation}ms &f(per minute)"