LatencyTop - Player Ping Leaderboard icon

LatencyTop - Player Ping Leaderboard -----

A pageable latency top leaderboard with modern features and excellent performance.

Latency Top: Minecraft's Premier Ping Comparison Leaderboard
Latency Top focusing on a often overlooked, but important aspect of the playing online servers; Latency! This innovative plugin employs advanced algorithms for efficient data analysis and statistical calculations, offering a concise yet comprehensive overview of each player's network latency. Here's how Latency Top stands out in the server scene:

Whats this about?
  • Direct Comparison: At its core, Latency Top is about comparison. See how your ping measures up against fellow Minecraft players in real-time, driving a competitive spirit based on tangible network performance metrics.
  • Simplified Interface: The plugin presents complex data sorted through a streamlined, easy-to-navigate interface. Showcase upto upto 4 rows(configurable) per page, with simple to use navigation buttons, players can quickly view the server in a matter seconds. We use gradient indicators and straightforward rankings make it simple to understand where you stand at a glance.
  • Dynamic Updates: Latency Top continuously monitors and updates player latency in real-time, allowing for immediate identification of changes in network conditions.
  • Latency-Based Decisions: Players can be quickly informed about potential combat decisions, helping them always choose the best fight.
Advanced Statistical Insight
  • Real-Time and Historical Data: Players can see their current ping, but that's just the start. The platform also calculates and displays averages over the last set period, providing a dynamic view of network performance over time.
  • Latency Fluctuations and Deviation: Understanding that stability is as crucial as speed, Latency Top highlights latency fluctuations and deviations. This gives players a deeper insight into their network's reliability during gameplay.
  • Efficient Data Storage: Leveraging sophisticated algorithms, Latency Top efficiently stores vast amounts of data, ensuring quick access to players' latency information without compromising on speed or accuracy.
  • Player-Specific Insights: Get detailed latency statistics for each player, enabling targeted support and troubleshooting.
The Commands & Permissions
  • /ping <player> <minutes>: This command displays your current ping to the server, giving you immediate feedback on your network performance. It's a quick way to check your or someone else's latency. You can also determine over what period of time to display the averages. (
  • /pingtop: Use this command to open the Latency Top leaderboard. It brings up the GUI where you can see your rank based on your ping, compare your performance with others, and view detailed statistics about latency fluctuations and average performance over time (latencytop.pingtop)
  • /pingtop reload: Use this command to reload the plugin and configuration. (latencytop.admin)


"tickRate": 40,
"removeOldDataAfterSpecifiedHours": 12,
"numberLeaderboardRowsPerPage": 1,
"showOnlyVisiblePlayersOnLeaderboard": true,
"pageableInventoryNextPageTitle": "&aNext Page &7-->",
"pageableInventoryBackPageTitle": "&7<-- &cBack Page",
"inventoryFillerTitle": "&8[]",
"commandNotExecutableByConsole": "&cThis command cannot be executed by the console.",
"noPingDataAvailable": "&cNo ping data available for {player}.",
"invalidTimeInterval": "&cInvalid time interval specified.",
"timeIntervalMissing": "&cTime interval is missing.",
"invalidArgument": "&cInvalid argument: {arg}.",
"pingInfo": "&6{player}'s Ping: {ping}ms &6[&eAvg: {avgPing}ms&e, σ: {deviation}ms &f({descriptor}&f)&6]",
"usagePlayer": "Specifies the player whose ping to check. If not specified, checks the sender's ping.",
"usageTimeInterval": "Time range for historical data in seconds (e.g., -t:300 or -t:0 for historical data)",
"commandOnlyByPlayer": "&cThis command can only be used by players.",
"noPermission": "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command.",
"playerLatencyLeaderboardTitle": "&ePlayer Latency Leaderboard",
"displayNameFormat": "{gradient}#{position} &8- &6{playerName}",
"pingInfoFormat": "&7Current Ping: &c{currentPing}ms &8({coloredPercentage}% &7{underOverStatus} avg&8)",
"peakInfoFormat": "&7Peak Latency: &c{peakPing}ms &f(last hour)",
"avgHistoricalPingFormat": "&7Avg. Ping: {avgPing}ms &7(&e5m: {average5Minutes}ms, &e15m: {average15Minutes}ms, &e30m: {average30Minutes}ms&7)",
"fluctuationDeviationInfoFormat": "&7Fluctuation: &b{fluctuation}ms &8| &7Deviation: &6{deviation}ms &f(per minute)"

Performance and Memory Usage
  • Memory Usage: Latency Top uses approximately 28MB of memory per 350 players, or roughly 80KB per player over a 24-hour period, making it efficient for most server setups.
  • Latency Top is highly optimized to minimize CPU usage while maximizing performance. The plugin leverages multi-threading to offload computational tasks from the main thread, not because it's necessary, but to ensure that the main thread remains unburdened. This design choice ensures smooth operation even with numerous players connected, as the plugin effectively distributes workload to avoid any strain on the main thread. Thanks to this highly efficient approach, the plugin operates without causing lag or performance drops, even in high-traffic environments.
LatencyAPI latencyAPI = LatencyTop.INSTANCE.getLatencyAPI();

int lastPing = latencyAPI.getLastPing(player);
int peakPing = latencyAPI.getPeakPing(player, 10); // Last 10 minutes
int recordCount = latencyAPI.getPingRecordCount(player, 5); // Last 5 minutes
double averagePing = latencyAPI.getAveragePing(player, 10); // Last 10 minutes
double averageFluctuation = latencyAPI.getAverageFluctuation(player, 10); // Last 10 minutes
double pingDeviation = latencyAPI.getPingDeviation(player, 10); // Last 10 minutes

Dependencies & Supported Plugins
  • Requires any fork supporting Kyori Adventure
  • Supports PremiumVanish (and SuperVanish)
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 290
First Release: Mar 17, 2024
Last Update: Jan 9, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings