LaserTurrets [1.8 - 1.20] icon

LaserTurrets [1.8 - 1.20] -----

This plugin allows you to create fully customisable turrets to defend your land and attack targets!

- Fixed unplaced turrets persistence.
- Fixed event listener.
- Fixed issues with placement on 1.20.1.
----------, Apr 18, 2024

- Fixed issues with version 1.20.4.
----------, Mar 19, 2024

- Added support for versions up to 1.20.4.
- Added a new hologram system to fix all hologram related issues. The plugin now depends on DecentHolograms to display holograms.
- Added support for GriefPrevention.
----------, Feb 3, 2024

- Added an allies command to set your personnal allies for each player via a menu.
- Added support for 1.20.2
- Added new permission for /lt allies (turret.command.allies)
- Added ability to sync allies with all owned turrets.
- Fixed menu related issues
- Removed allies manager in the settings menu (use /lt allies instead)
----------, Nov 5, 2023

- Added ammo for turrets, enable it in the settings menu and configure it to your needs.
- Added a button in the turrets upgrade menu to allow players to add ammo to the turret and allow it to shoot.
- Added an option to buy ammo using the "/lt buy" command.
- Added an option to give turret ammo using the "/lt give" command.
- Improved territory compatibility (please report if you encounter any issues).
----------, Aug 10, 2023

- Added the option to make turrets from a specific type invincible.
- Added 1.20 support for beam turrets.
----------, Jul 4, 2023

- Added support for 1.20!
----------, Jun 27, 2023

- Added a blacklist world setting in the "settings.yml" file to prevent worlds from being placed in certain worlds.
- Added a turret kill message when turrets kill players in the settings file and you can modify the message in the "messages.yml" file.
- Added an option to disable drops when a turret kills a mob in the settings file (usefull to prevent turrets from being used to farm loot)
- Fixed hologram duplication issue.
----------, May 18, 2023

- Fixed issue that prevented players from placing turrets in versions below 1.13.
----------, May 12, 2023

- Improved unplaced turrets system, turrets that have been taken into a players inventory will now be placed in the "unplaced" folder.
- Fixed the take command and the take button in the turret menu.
- Fixed issue with turrets not gettings removed.
- Fixed the beam turret that woudn't work on 1.19.4.
----------, May 11, 2023

- Fixed file updating system that would cause issues when updating from version 2.1.0 to 3.0.0.
----------, May 10, 2023

- Added support for BetterTeams, Konquest, WorldGuard, KingdomsX, Residence, UltimateClans, Lands, SimpleClans, Medieval Factions, FactionsUUID, SaberFactions, Towny, you can now protect your territory and allies from turrets (you may enable this in the settings, however this is a beta feature and needs to be tested).
- Added support for 1.19.4
- Improved the file system to prevent small issues when modifying turrets (turrets will automaticly be updated and moved into the turrets folder).
- Improved the turret tool preventing turrets from being duplicated and placed on interactable blocks such as furnaces or crafting tables.
- Removed the sync command as turrets are now automaticaly synced with the settings.

I hope you enjoy this update and as always contact me on our discord server if you have any questions or encounter an issue as many changes have been made.
----------, May 7, 2023

- Added the beam turret in version 1.8.
- Added a turret sync command, this allows you to sync already created turrets with your settings.
- Added the ability to edit the particle that gets spawned when the turret gets placed or created in the settings.yml file.
- Improved the buy, give and tool commands.
- Fixed turrets blacklist and whitelist system.
- Fixed issue prevent players from creating turrets in different worlds.
- Fixed messages in the localisation file.
- Fixed turrets can't be placed under water.
- Fixed issue, allowing players to place turrets to close to each other.
----------, Mar 11, 2023

The turret settings system has been improved and will now open up some possibilities for some bigger upcoming feature updates!

Your current turret settings will be moved to the "old-turrets" file as I had to make a few changes. You can copy paste the sections of the file you would like to maintain in files of the new "turrets" folder. I would recommend you to use a YAML Validator to make sure the files are properly formated.

- Added the possibility to edit the tool item that is used to create turrets.
- Added an update checker.
- Added a unique texture for each turret type.
- Improved the system that creates specific head textures for turrets.
- Fixed turrets not being removed when the limit has been reached.
- Fixed minor bugs in the menus.
- Fixed issue whith the beam turret that would happen with some versions.

I hope you enjoy the update and as always contact me on our discord server if you have any questions or encounter a bug.
----------, Feb 28, 2023

- Fixed menus from causing errors while adding mobs.
----------, Feb 14, 2023

- Added the possibilaty to take turrets back into your inventory from the upgrade menu (right-click the turret).
- Improved placing turrets, they can no longer be placed if a solid block is above the clicked block (to prevent blocks from getting destroyed).
- Fixed turret animation, players can no longer take the head from the animations.
- Fixed the turret limit (max value is set to 100 per a type).
----------, Feb 12, 2023

- Improved the system allowing you to display a hologram showing the turret is broken.
- Fixed the menu for broken turrets, players could repair them even if they didn't have enough in they're balance.
----------, Feb 7, 2023

- Renamed the currencey command to "/lt balance".
- Improved the the buy and give commands.
- Fixed errors being caused when getting offline players in menus.
- Fixed errors when creating turrets in version 1.12 and below.
----------, Feb 4, 2023

- Fixed turret placement issue.
----------, Feb 1, 2023

- Added the possibility to edit how far apart turrets can be placed from each other (modifiable in the "settings.yml" file).
- Big improvements for fireball turrets, check it out!

I hope you guys enjoy the update and as always contact me on our discord server if you have any questions or encounter a bug.
----------, Jan 31, 2023

- Improved holograms, they now update in a smooth way when damaging a turret or upgrading it.
- Improved the "/lt reload" command.
- Fixed the tool that wasn't able to remove turrets when the limit was reached.
- Fixed up some typos in the plugin (regenarate your "messages_en.yml" file)
----------, Jan 28, 2023

- Fixed holograms that would get show when hitting turrets or on server start even though they're disabled will no longer happen.
----------, Jan 25, 2023

- Improved the "/lt reload" command, turret textures and holograms are now updated when the server starts or when reloading the plugin.
----------, Jan 24, 2023

- Improved the upgrade information when a player upgrades a turret.

Please remove your current "messages_en.yml" file to update the changes. Or update the following section "Upgrade_Menu.Upgrade_Button_Lore" and replace the lore with the following message.
Code (Text):
  # Turret upgrade info placeholders: {currentRange}, {upgradedRange}, {currentDamage}, {upgradedDamage}, {currentHealth}, {upgradedHealth}
    - "Current level: &e{level}"
    - ""
    - "Range: &9{currentRange} blocks &7&l⇨&r &9{upgradedRange} blocks"
    - "Laser damage: &9{currentDamage} &7&l⇨&r &9{upgradedDamage}"
    - "Health: &9{currentHealth} &7&l⇨&r &9{upgradedHealth}"
    - ""
    - "Price: &6{price} {currencyName}"
----------, Jan 21, 2023

- Added the possibility to make all turrets invincible (you can edit this in the "settings.yml" file)
- Improved the turret damaging system, players can now deal damage to a turret depending on the melee weapon they're using (enchantements such as sharpness are ignored).
----------, Jan 17, 2023

- Added the following permissions: turret.command.take, turret.command.remove, turret.command.give,, turret.command.tool
- Added the possibility to remove turrets in the main menu (/lt menu)
- Removed the /lt turret command
- Added the following commands, you can find the description on the main page :
/lt take, /lt give, /lt remove, /lt buy, /lt tool.
- Improvement, when players place a turret the head will be facing the player.

I hope you guys enjoy the update and as always contact me on our discord server if you have any questions or encounter a bug.
----------, Jan 14, 2023

- Added a take command to take already placed turrets back to your inventory. You can take the turret by id or by looking at it (when performing the command).
- Added a buy command to buy a specific turret.
- Added a remove turret command, you can now remove a turret by its id or by looking at it (when performing the command).
- Improved the hologram system and prevented holograms from showing when hitting turrets even when the setting has been disabled.

I hope you guys enjoy the update and as always contact me on our discord server if you have any questions or encounter a bug.
----------, Jan 10, 2023

- Fixed holograms from getting moved higher and higher when starting the server.

Sorry for this bug I am working on creating a Hologram library that'll prevent these kind of issues in the future and will be a lot more efficient than the current system.
Please notify me on our discord server if you encounter any issues with the holograms and disable them in the "settings.yml" file until I get them fully fixed.
----------, Jan 3, 2023

- Added the possibility to edit the health for turrets in the turrets menu and the settings menu.
- Improved holograms that no longer have a hitbox absorbing hits that were meant for the turret.
----------, Jan 1, 2023

- Added the possibility to edit the texture of the turrets head in the settings.
(You can find head textures on this website. Choose a head then make sure to copy the (base64) value and paste it in the appropriate section of the settings menu, you may even create your own textures on websites such as Minecraft Skin Editor and you can get the base64 value using the custom heads generator).
- Fixed holograms for turrets on previous versions that woud break the plugin.
----------, Dec 31, 2022

- Added customizable holograms above turrets. (You can edit them in the messages file in the localization folder)
- Added possibility to enable/disable holograms and enable/disable the bossbar when damaging turrets in the "settings.yml" file.
----------, Dec 27, 2022

- Fixed the beam turret that wasn't working on 1.19.3
- Improved the turret tools system
----------, Dec 25, 2022

- The plugin is now fully translatable, every message can be modified including the ones in the GUIs!
- Added support for 1.19.3!
- Added a remove level button in the turrets menu to remove levels of already created turrets!

Contact me on our discord server if you need any help.
----------, Dec 24, 2022

- Fixed customizing turret loot that would cause problems on server restart.
- Prevented the possibility to add items in the turrets loot drop menu when it's destroyed.
----------, Nov 27, 2022

- Fixed issue when using the Vault economy system. (Note: if your using Vault you will also need an economy plugin such as EssentialsX)
- Fixed turret limit feature in the GUI, players wern't able to modify the value.
----------, Nov 21, 2022

- Fixed issue when using the Vault economy system. (Note: if your using Vault you will also need an economy plugin such as EssentialsX)
----------, Nov 20, 2022

- Replaced the tool command with a turret command that works like this: "/turret < give (to give a single turret) or tool (to give a tool that can create an infinite amount of turrets)> <turret type> <player>".
- Added a turret limitation feature to limit the amount of turrets that can be created for a specific turret type. The default value is set to 10, you can edit this in the settings menu.
----------, Nov 20, 2022

- You are now able to whitelist players and mobs instead of blacklisting them, this allows your turret to target entities more specificaly. The blacklist feature is only used to tell your turret what entities not to target.
----------, Nov 19, 2022

This update is important as it fixes an issue when the plugin loads that would cause it to sometimes get disabled, if you're currently using the first version (1.0.0) please update this plugin. Unfortunatly you will have to delete your LaserTurrets folder because I had to do a few adjustments in the files and they aren't compatible anymore with the newer version. Other optimisations have been added too.
----------, Nov 12, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,966
First Release: Sep 27, 2022
Last Update: Apr 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings