The turret settings system has been improved and will now open up some possibilities for some bigger upcoming feature updates!
Your current turret settings will be moved to the "old-turrets" file as I had to make a few changes. You can copy paste the sections of the file you would like to maintain in files of the new "turrets" folder. I would recommend you to use a YAML Validator to make sure the files are properly formated.
Added the possibility to edit the tool item that is used to create turrets.
Added an update checker.
Added a unique texture for each turret type.
Improved the system that creates specific head textures for turrets.
Fixed turrets not being removed when the limit has been reached.
Fixed minor bugs in the menus.
Fixed issue whith the beam turret that would happen with some versions.
I hope you enjoy the update and as always contact me on our discord server if you have any questions or encounter a bug.