- Added various Discord RPC additions
You can now edit the small title in the Discord RPC of Labymod if the player has it enabled in the client and on discord (I don't think that it's a must have feature but it's still in the Server API)
- Version 2.5
If you like this update, feel free to rate LabySK.
If you've found any errors or want to suggest a feature, open an Issue on GitHub!
- Removed the condition: "if player is using labymod"
- Added event: "on join with labymod"
If you now want to detect labymod players just use the event and pass all your labymod related stuff under the event for example the playing gamemode expression which gets called on join.
- Version 2.4
If you like this update, feel free to rate LabySK.
If you've found any errors or want to suggest a feature, open an Issue on GitHub!
- Added Effect to block or unblock markers that are sent by players
- Added Effect to spawn a marker for players at a specific location
- Fixed Economy Display
- Version 2.3
(Note: The marker effects only work if the player has activated labymod markers in his game options)
If you like this update, feel free to rate LabySK.
If you've found any errors or want to suggest a feature, open an Issue on GitHub!
- Added Expression to view all addons that have been blocked
- Added Expression to see the remaining mute time of a muted player (Voicechat)
- Added Expression to see the reason of the mute of a player (Voicechat)
- Version 2.2
If you like this update, feel free to rate LabySK.
If you've found any errors or want to suggest a feature, open a Issue on GitHub!
New LabySK update!
- Create input prompt
- Open input prompt for players and make them send the value
- Get the value from the sent input prompts
- Version 2.1
If you find any bugs or notice something strange, please open an issue on github!
(Note. Downloading the file on SpigotMC gives you the Paper 1.20.4 version. For other versions check the releases tab on github.
- Fixed a bug so there won't be errors when a player isn't using labymod
- v 2.0.3
- This update includes muting or unmuting players that use voicechat.
- Version 2.0.2
- For bugs, feature wishes or other create an issue on github!
- This update includes muting or unmuting players that use voicechat.
- Version 2.0.2
- For bugs, feature wishes or other create an issue on github!
- Syntax to add addons to a list
- Syntax to send disabled addons from the list to the player so it won't be usable on the server
- Version 2.0.1
This update contains the new methods from the brand new labymod server api v4. There are also new features which will be added soon.
! Some syntax might have changed
! You don't need the LabyAPI-2.0.2.jar anymore
Version 2.0
Updated Project for newest stable Paper Version (1.20.6)
Added better handling for action menus.
This means that you add the actions for a speicifc player with the syntax and then afterwards send it with another syntax to the player. This means you can create individual action menus for individual players.
v. 1.3.5
Added check for duplication. This means that if there is already a same element with same name, value etc. in the action menu, it will not be added. So there won't be multiple actions that will do the same thing.
Thanks to
@Filipdk for reporting this!
Added Duplication check for the action menu so if you add a element it first checks if this element already exists instead of just adding it. This prevents multiple actions with the same name, value etc.
Added Action Menu Feature!
Added ActionMenu feature for LabySK. Syntax can be found on SkriptHub!
Version 1.3.3
As far as I know all LabyMod 4 features have now be implemented. If there are more for Laby 4 i will add them asap but for now there won't be any new feature updates!
Added new syntax for displaying the country flag of the player beside it's name in the tablist and above the player's nametag.
1.8.8 Version can be downloaded on github!
Because of adding Subtitles only for individual Players, remove subtitle now also works for individual players (Syntax change see SkriptHub)
- Set subtitle only for individual players (This means that you can change if only specific players should see a nametag or not)
- NPC Creation (Used for Laby Emotes)
- NPC Laby Emotes
To use LabySK you now also need to Install the Plugin Citizens because it is needed for the NPC Feature!
- Added Economy Display Feature.
- Added bStats for additional Information.
- Added Condition for checking if player is using LabyMod
Added Version Check which will be shown to op players ingame on join if an update is available. V1.1