KTools is an advanced & modern minecraft plugin that helps to create plugins. It handles things like:
- Commands
- Listeners
- Recipes
- Items
- Messages
- Inventories
- UIs
- Resource Packs
- Databases
- Updaters
Installation is very
simple. Just download the latest version (or specific version) and put
.JAR file into plugins folder.
You can configure KTools in ./plugins/KTools/config.yml.
You can change almost every message in KTools and in plugins that supports KTools.
NOTE: Messages uses Mini Message Format
To configure messages, check files:
- Global Messages ./plugins/KTools/lang/en.yml
- Plugin Messages ./plugins/PLUGIN/lang/en.yml
You can also create your own language file, by coping en.yml and changing his name. Make sure to change language in config.yml!
NOTE: Only default language file has enabled auto generator of missing messages
Ktools contains 5
- /givecustom item <target> <item> <amount> - Give custom item from Ktools
- /ktools - Information about KTools
- /ktools messages reload - Reload messages
- /ktools bar add/set <bar_name> <target> <value> - Add/Set points of custrom bar (i.e. from KThirst)
- /ktools resourcepack refresh - Re-Upload resourcep pack
Other plugins can add commands, so full list of commands with permissions, description etc. you can find in:
- Global Commands ./plugins/KTools/commands.yml
- Plugin Commands ./plugins/PLUGIN/commands.yml
Plugins can add custom items. You can check all added items in ./plugins/KTools/items.yml. You can also get this item in game by typing command /givecustom.
Plugins can use a custom resource pack that is handled by Ktools, player’s need to accept it when they join to the server. You can edit some textures in ./plugins/KTools/textures. After edit, you need to remove resource pack link from ./plugins/KTools/cache.yml and restart the server
If your server uses another resource pack, you need to:
- Download generated resource pack from ./plugins/Ktools/cache.yml -> “resourcepackUrl”. NOTE: You need start server with enabled resource pack to generate it for first time!
- Disable KTools resource pack in ./plugins/KTools/config.yml
- resourcepack: true -> resourcepack: false
- Combine your resource pack and KTools resource pack.
- Give combined resource pack to players.
! Experimental !
Self-hosted resource pack (since 2.3.0)
If you have access to more ports on your server than Minecraft, you can self-host resource pack generated by KTools. With this option, uploading & downloading will be faster and you won't have problems with downtimes of third party websites.
To enable this feature, go to ./plugins/KTools/config.yml and configure it in resourcePackSelfHost section.
Code (Text):
enabled: false
port: 8008 # Change it if this port is required for other app, or you have only access to another ports
# true if port should be added to url (i.e.
# false if not (i.e.
usePortInUrl: true
# IP or domain of your server
host: ""
- enabled to true
- port to port that can be used as http server (you can leave default if you have access to every port)
- host to ip or domain of your server (Don't add "/" at the end)
- if you're using i.e. reverse proxy to hide ports from domain, you can also set usePortInUrl to false. It will hide port from download URL (You need to configure reverse proxy first)
After changes, restart the server and use command /ktools resourcepack refresh
KTools plugin is under Apache 2.0 license. You can use this plugin in your plugins, even for commercial, but you need to provide license notice.
Credits are available on GitHub