KThirst is advanced & modern minecraft plugin. It adds new thirst mechanic with custom UI above food bar. By default, the plugin contains 2 drinks - Dirty & Clean Water. Players can use an empty bottle to get dirty water from any water source. After it, they can craft filter machine (which has custom UI) and clean this water.
The server's administrators can create their own, custom drinks.
To install a plugin, download it and put the JAR file into plugins folder in yours server directory. Plugin also requires these dependencies:
Please read how to install it on pages of these plugins.
On KTools page, you can also read about translations, resource pack, items, commands etc.
You can read about these commands on
KTools page. The most important command is
/givecustom - it gives you custom items like drinks & machines.
Usage: /givecustom item <target> <item> <amount>
target - Target player
item - Item Tag (use command hints or check Items section on KTools page)
amount - Amount of item
Permissions (Player need to have at least one of these permissions):
- command.givecustom.item
- command.givecustom.*
- command.*
KThirst contains only one command -
/drink - with this command you can manage custom drinks.
Command: /drink create <name>
name - Name of custom drink
Description: Create new drink
Permissions (Player need to have at least one of these permissions):
- command.drink.create
- command.drink.*
- command.*
Command: /drink edit <drink>
drink - Name of custom drink
Description: Edit drink
Permissions (Player need to have at least one of these permissions):
- command.drink.edit
- command.drink.*
- command.*
Command: /drink remove <drink>
drink - Name of custom drink
Description: Remove drink
Permissions (Player need to have at least one of these permissions):
- command.drink.remove
- command.drink.*
- command.*
You can install
PlaceholderAPI to use these placeholders:
- %kthirst% - Shows yours points of thirst
- %kthirst_name% - Shows other player's points of thirst
name - Name of player
- %kbar_thirst% - Shows yours points of thirst using bar icons
- %kbar_thirst_name% - Shows other player's points of thirst
name - Name of player
Developers API will be available soon...
KThirst plugin is under Apache 2.0 license. You can use this plugin in your plugins, even for commercial, but you need to provide license notice.