Are you looking for additional ways to monetize your server? With
Kocoa, you can boost your sales by offering your users a daily reclaim that varies based on their rank.
This plugin is rank-based rather than permission-based. This means that players will receive the benefits associated with their highest primary rank as specified in the configuration file. If a player has an unspecified rank, they will receive the 'default' benefits when using
Currently, there are two commands available:
/reclaim - It requires no permissions. Benefits can be added or removed directly in the configuration file.
/resetreclaim - Requires the
reclaim.admin permission. This command resets a player's active reclaim cooldown.
80% of the plugin is fully configurable. You can add as many ranks as you want and modify messages such as the reclaim broadcast, cooldown message, and join message that informs you whether the reclaim is available.
commandCooldownMessage: "&cYou need to wait {hours}h, {minutes}m, {seconds}s to use this again."
joinCooldownMessage: "&cYou need to wait {hours}h, {minutes}m, {seconds}s to use reclaim again."
joinAvailableMessage: "&eYour &a/reclaim &eis available!"
commandBroadcastMessage: "&a{player} &ehas used &f'/reclaim' &eto claim his rank benefits."
reclaimMessage: "&eYou have redeemed your &7Member Rank &efeatures."
hotbarSlotsRequirement: 1
- "crate key give {player} basic 3"
reclaimMessage: "&eYou have redeemed your &6VIP Rank &efeatures."
hotbarSlotsRequirement: 2
- "crate key give {player} basic 5"
- "crate key give {player} gold 3"
commandCooldownMessage: This option appears when using the /reclaim command while your cooldown is active.
joinCooldownMessage: This option appears when joining the server while your reclaim cooldown is active.
joinAvailableMessage: This option appears when joining the server while your reclaim is ready to be used.
commandBroadcastMessage: This option appears when someone executes /reclaim command. This is a broadcast message (So, it will be displayed to all online players).
reclaimMessage: This option appears when someone executes /reclaim with the specified rank.
hotbarSlotsRequirement: This option defines how many inventory slots a player needs to have empty to use the reclaim. This is useful when executing console commands that give items, ensuring players don’t lose items due to a full inventory.
commands: With this option you can add as much commands you want.
PlaceholderAPI placeholders (Usable in any plugin that supports PAPI):
%kocoa_reclaim_available% - Will return
true/false if player's reclaim is available.
%kocoa_reclaim_cooldown_formatted% - Will return formatted reclaim cooldown (Example: 23h, 10m, 15s).
%kocoa_reclaim_cooldown_seconds% - Will return second-formatted reclaim cooldown (Example: 82800)
This plugin requieres
Vault to be installed on your server. Also, you can install
PlaceholderAPI if you want to use external placeholders (Not needed).
This plugin is entirely written in Kotlin, which results in a larger file size compared to a typical plugin with similar features.