- Added support for 1.21.1, 1.21.3, 1.21.4
And merry christmas to all!
- Added support for 1.20.2, 1.20.4 and 1.20.6.
- Scoreboard numbers are now hidden on 1.20.4+
- Added support for 1.20.1.
- Added a way to disable certain messages in language.yml by leaving them blank. Also, try "-s" on /kb off and /kb on commands. /kb off <user> -s to silence the message.
- Fixed a bug where exceptions were being spammed in the server log.
This is a minor support update.
- Fixed support for 1.19.1 and 1.19.2
- Fixed a bug which caused an exception if the user leaves the server whilst still within the "show-delay" time of a scoreboard.
- Fixed bug where hexadecimals would not work on 1.16 when using the Bukkit API.
- Fixed bug where length limit could be exceeded on 1.14-1.15 when using the Bukkit API.
- Added support for 1.18.2
- Added support for 1.19
- Fixed bug where the console can attempt to set the scoreboard for itself, causing exception.
- Fixed bug where <appear> and <erase> would not work correctly when 1.13 or higher clients join a server version less than 1.13.
- Hex codes will be stripped when used on a server version that don’t support them.
- bStats upgraded to latest version.
- Added support for 1.18 (& 1.18.1)
- Fallback mode using Bukkit API will now allow longer char lengths depending on the server version.
- About command will show the character length limits enforced.
This is a experimental support update for 1.17.
Added 1.17 adapter. This version should hopefully support the next version of 1.17.1 with the use of reflection.
- Plugin api version set
- /kb list not showing all groups.- Fixed
- Changed secondary colour of reload command to grey.
- Some users were getting a Class cast exception, this was because the cache was re using the Method object over different class types.
- Event listeners now use the Monitor priority, as some placeholders were not initialised before the Normal priorty.
- “automatic-group-refresh.async” config section has been renamed to “group-refresh.async”
- Added a fallback method to call when the one currently used in the compatibility task has been removed in newer versions.
- Fixed parsing of hex colours that are a part of a placeholder.
Please re-generate your config.yml.
This update attempts to fix outstanding issues with the reinstate task, (however full compatibility is not guaranteed), alongside update checking, performance improvements and "pretty sidebar numbers" (using a set digit instead of a counter, this can be disabled.)
Note: I have re-uploaded this version as the previous release had unnecessary dependencies shaded.
Fixed #54 - Added configurable command aliases.
Fixed #64.
Added adapter for 1.16.2.
Resolved Issue 65, Tablist footer not updating
Probably fixed 62, 50, Bungeecord duplicate objective.
Full 32 characters should now show on 1.12 clients with 1.13+ using via version as it did before. (I don't plan to support this any longer than I need to)
Wave animation no longer stutters with same colour twice
- Added 1.16 support
- Added 1.16 hex colour support. Format is &#FFFFFF
- Fixed tablist still showing when disabled in config.
- Fixed no assignment/criteria config section throwing NPE.
- Added "smooth" and "length" option to <rainbow>
smooth: Uses 1.16 hex colours. Enabled by default on 1.16 or above.
length: length of gradient to use, default to 30.
Gradient animation
<gradient hsb>Gradient rainbow</gradient>
<gradient from=#FF0000 to=#0000FF>Gradient red to blue</gradient>
<gradient colors=#FF0000,#00FF00,#0000FF>Gradient red to green to blue</gradient>
from: From colour.
to: To colour.
colors: Additional list of more than 2 colours
(This overrides to & from)
hsb: Uses HSB colour interpolation, this is for rainbows e.g
Wave animation
Now requires hex colours on 1.16 or above. You cannot use legacy colour codes with this anymore on 1.16 or above.
<wave>Rainbow wave text</wave>
<wave colors=#FF000,#00FF00,#0000FF>Red to green to blue wave</wave>
length: length of gradient, default to 20
hsb: Use hsb colour interpolation.
Fade animation
Now support's from & to with length options.
<fade from=#FF0000 to #0000FF>Fade from red to blue</fade>
<fade in>Fades in</fade>
General note:
If the two colours of a gradient are the same, HSB is enabled by default. HSB is disabled on gradients with more than 2 colours.
To disable new hex colours you can use smooth=false
Fixed random colour rarely causing index out of bounds exception.
Fixed random colour not returning a random colour
Event triggered boards respond quicker to events.
/kb group command added.
event placeholders fixed and no longer break the entire scoreboard
Method chain caching added.
Fixed placeholders not parsed in animations (e.g healthbar)
Fixed objective lengths over 32 not crashing client on older mc versions
Added shine animation speed parameter
Added implicit true/false animation parameters
Revamped erase animation
Added appear animation
Some animations names have changed to better reflect their action. however the old tag's are still usable
- Added support for 1.15
Have a great christmas
- Fixed bug with concurrent modification issues rarely.
- Added 'show-delay' scoreboard setting. (in ticks)
- Fixed 1.12 and below scoreboard length issue.
Thank you.
- Fixed an issue cutting off the scoreboard text at 32 characters, even when unlimited characters is supported.
- Fixed event triggers showing for all users on the server.
- Fixed text being cut off on versions 1.8 - 1.13
- Added the /kiteboard toggle subcommand.
- /kiteboard toggle/on/off now all use the "kiteboard.toggle" permission.
- Fixed config version stating 2.1 and not 3
- Once again fixed a bStats issue.
- Added comments to the default config, explains how to set custom intervals in the basic layout and criteria info.
- Fixed wrong messages for /kb reset.
- Fixed /kb toggle [player] optional arg not showing in command help.
- Added a check to re enable KiteBoard if another plugin has finished using the scoreboard.
- Added permissions for /kb on/off/set/reset [other]
- Changed /kb on/off permissions to use general "kiteboard.toggle" permission.
- Fixed bStats reporting.
Please read these update notes in full, breaking changes have been made.
- You will need to let your configuration files regenerate, including config.yml, and the scoreboard groups.
Notice: I have come to the decision to remove actionbar and title messages form KiteBoard, if users are against this decision I may consider re-adding these later on.
- Support for multiple tab list groups like the scoreboard system
- Support for multiple assignments methods allowing per world and/or per event and/or per permission.
- Support for hooking onto any available Event on the server.
- Support for retrieving values through event instances in placeholders. (e.g {event.getPlayer.getName})
- Full packet based scoreboards, adding compatibility with other scoreboard plugins.
- Assignment available through scoreboard and tab list groups (Possibility of event triggered tab lists, world based, permission based.)
- Full async group refreshing, group refresh was originally the primary contributor to lag and has been carefully redesigned to run in a multithreaded environment.
Bug fixes/Improvements:
- Unregistered scoreboard objective errors no longer produces.
- Event triggers act appropriately and cleanly expire.
I will be updating the resource page and documentation to reflect the new changes.
- Fixed issues with turning the scoreboard off not working correctly.
- Added 2 new messages for
/kb on/off when the scoreboard is already on/off.
Removed currently unused placeholder due to 1.8.8 issue.
- Event trigger placeholders now update at the correct interval.
- Event triggers will become active instantly after triggered and will no longer wait for the last trigger to finish.
- Performance improvements with event trigger placeholders.
Many Thanks,
- Fixed issues with priority being ignored and permissions not working correctly.
- Announcement file can now be completely cleared instead of using announcements: [] if not being used.
- Numerous bug fixes.
- Added /kb toggle per request.
- Added /kb off/on [player] option.
- Added permission requirement to see the plugin information on /kiteboard.
- Added team option customisation.
- Removed debug message.
- Fixed issues with toggling on the scoreboard when it's already on being allowed.
- Added "kiteboard.set.other" permission.
- Fixed wiki documentation on world scoreboard assignment.
- Fixed unknown command message being shown with incorrect usage, incorrect permission messages.
1.14 Tablist Colours:
Not a KiteBoard issue, please update your server to the latest 1.14 release.
World assignment not working:
Configuration setting is "enabled-worlds" not "worlds-enabled" documentation has been fixed.
- Added support for 1.14 actionbar, titles and tablist.
- Fixed unregistered scoreboard object.
- Fixed inventory issues on 1.14
- Fixed static Tablists not being shown at all.
- Fixed unintentional extra blank line on Tablist header and footer.
- Fixed null pointers for placeholder api placeholders being updated a single frame after the player leaves the game.
Added advanced tab completion capabilities, with the ability to display players, numbers, scoreboard groups and more.
- Fixed amount of actual lines (not including title) being limited to 14 instead of 15.
- Added a minimal api. (Currently only for setting visibility on/off)
And a sale!
- Fixed unregistered scoreboard issues when a player leaves and joins the game.
- /kb set and /kb reset now accept an optional target player.
- Correct messages now displayed if /kb set is invalid.
- Fixed some messages being displayed as [Warning].
- Fixed errors whilst disabling.
- Added <loading> animation.
'complete' colour to fill where complete.
'remaining' colour to fill remaining.
'percent' percent to reach to. 100 by default.
'value' value to reach out of 'max', not enabled by default.
- Added <random> random colour animation.
'colors' List of separated colours to pick from. default: '
I apologise for issues present in the previous release, This should fix the issue regarding half the scoreboard being stripped of colour in 1.12 and below.
Still, there are issues present regarding ViaVersion with 1.13 clients on 1.12 servers, I've investigated this and found reason for this. I will speak to the developer of ViaVersion regarding this issue to confirm if the problem is on their end.
Thank you for your understanding.
- Fixed an issue where "fighting" entities such as an ItemFrame causes event trigger issues.
- Fixed announcements failing to load when none are defined.
- Fixed action bar not disabling when set to disabled.
- Assignment methods have now been fully introduced.
You can choose to enable certain scoreboards in a world/multiple worlds using such configuration:
Code (YAML):
This is an essential bug fix release resolving and issue causing "KiteBoarddatabase.yml" file being created in the plugins folder.
Thank you.
Hello Everyone,
This is a large update, probably the largest in KiteBoard's history, I advise you probably test this, before upgrading any production servers. Please see
bold for any backwards-compatibility breaking features.
- Added event triggers, currently only a few basic events, More will be added after thorough testing.
- Added a "cron syntax" announcement system powered through cron4j.
http://www.sauronsoftware.it/projects/cron4j/manual.php#p02. This is a powerful a highly customisable scheduling method that supports sending actionbar, title and sidebar group announcements.
- Tablist configuration updated. There is now a seperate configuration file for KiteBoard's tablist feature, this now supports placeholders, and easier multiple lines, with separate intervals.
- Large structural rewrite, this aims to bring performance improvements regarding server joins and group checking.
Customisable messages. A ton of messages if not all are now configurable in a new format messages.yml, this also brings forward compatibility for any new updates.
- <healthbar> Animation tag for creating a healthbar, see the animations wiki page on customisation.
- Added {uuid} placeholder.
Bug fixes since last 1.8.19 release:
- Fixed placeholders not being updated in actionbars and titles.
- Fixed scoreboard numbers not counting from 0 each time.
I am currently working on updating the wiki pages for new KiteBoard 2 features. please beware the current documentation may be outdated.
As much as I have tried testing this to the best of my ability. No doubt,
there will be bugs, I recommend you tell me via PM or discord any issues, and I'l try my best to get them resolved as soon as possible.
- Fixed default configuration using the older animation tags.
- Fixed animations causing the remaining text to be cut off.
Supported Versions:
This is the last legacy release for 2018 supporting the following versions:
v1.8.10 - v1.8.19
- 1.7.10 - Scoreboard
- 1.8.x - Scoreboard, Actionbar, Tablist, Titles and subtitles.
- 1.9.x - Scoreboard, Actionbar, Tablist, Titles and subtitles.
- 1.10.x - Scoreboard, Actionbar, Tablist, Titles and subtitles.
- 1.11.x - Scoreboard, Actionbar, Tablist, Titles and subtitles.
- 1.12 - Scoreboard, Actionbar, Tablist, Titles and subtitles.
- 1.12.1 - Same support as 1.12
- 1.12.2 - (Scoreboard, Actionbar, Tablist, Titles and Subtitles not supported in this version.
- 1.13 (All versions) Scoreboard, Actionbar, Tablist, Titles and subtitles.
Support for 1.10.x and 1.11.x
may be dropped in the new year, 1.8 and 1.12 will remain supported.
I wish you all a Happy New Year!
Kind regards,
Version 1.8.18
- Fixed scoreboard logout issues with some placeholders provided by PlaceholderAPI.
- Using a new updater provided by Choco2008 using the SpigetAPI.
- Notice board is no longer available and will be discontinued.
- Error reporting will now give a usable link.
Have a good christmas!
<rainbowwave> has been replaced with <wave> You can use a colors argument to provide a custom list of colors, by default, its the ones included with <rainbowwave>
You can see the GitHub wiki, for more information:
A christmas scoreboard is now the default!
Merry Christmas
Many Thanks,
Fixed issues causing KiteBoard to prevent server completing startup.
This issue took ~2-3 weeks to locate the cause and less than an hour to fix.
The issue only affected Java versions below 9, due to changes in pattern matching.
Kind Regards,
- November sale! Now 2.99
- Fixes on debug reporting.
I've put this on sale! £0.99 for a Limited Time!
Please note: I do respond to discord messages, if you prefer help over discord. My id is:Niall7459#4640
- Added <rainbowwave> To create a wave rainbow effect.
- Rewritten the placeholder system.
- Fixed an issue where tablist would not restart after a /kb reload.
- Fixed an issue with asynchronous scoreboard creation on a reload.
- Fixed unregistered scoreboard component errors.
- Fixed regeneration of all scoreboard files when 1 is deleted. (They will now only regenerate when the folder is created)
Thanks you!
- Fixed numerous issues on the previous 1.8.13 release.
- Inventory issues.
- Animation issues.
Original update notes:
- Added <fadein> and <fadeout> effects.
- Some animation options have been changed.
- Rewritten graphical system (preparation for more visible changes in later versions)
I'm working on more in-depth documentation which should be ready soon.
- Added <fadein>
- Added <fadeout>
- Changed some animation options (documentation coming soon)
- Changed the gui menu framework (this is still unfinished)
Thank you!
Happy Halloween Everyone
I've extended the sale duration until 1st of November.
Have a good halloween!
The debug system is cloud based, when you execute /kb debug it will be uploaded to a server. You should then send the code or url to that file to me.
Its also handy if you upload the config files as well. (including board configuration if the problem is with scoreboards.)
This fixes the issue with KiteBoard still registering scoreboards when a player is instantly kicked or disconnects.
The sale has ended and the price has been returned to a slightly lower price than the original at £5.
Thank you!
- /kb set, toggle, send, sendall, reset can all be used from the console.
Thank you!
- Fixed /debug command showing "strlen:" in it.
Thank you!
Back to school sale £3 pounds
Fixed server and urls for error reporting. please note this if you previously used /kb debug and it failed
- added 1.13.1 reflection support.
- fixed asyncronous reloading.
- added /kb toggle command.
- Fixed scheduling bug.
- Trying to fix an error with debug reports. This is at the server so does not require a plugin update once fixed
- Added metrics
- More detailed debug reports.
- Minor scheduling changes.
This should fix debug reports.
- Built my own paste system.
- Built error reporting on a /kb debug.
- Fixed notices.
This makes it easy for me to see error reports. Currently I don't have a domain. Hopefully this fixes the hastebin errors.
Stopped displaying illegalstateexceptions when objects are not initialized
- Removed unused variables, imports.
- Title can now support animations in scrollers, typewriters and glowers.
- Fixed issues with title placeholders.
- Fixed tablist not starting after reloading.
Notes on recent performance changes
What other plugins should I make? PM me.
- Changed tablist refresh tasks.
- Maximum scoreboard width is now 128. (64 recommened)
Thank you.
Look at the cool new stuff with the longer width (This would not be possible with the normal 32 width, i'm talking about the long orange lines)
- Performance updates, static lines are no longer 'refreshed'
- Fixed tablist problem (probably my worst ever mistake)...
- New default configurations.
/kb set <board> now accepts optional [player] argument to set another players board.
- Removed messages that incorrectly tell you to let your configuration regenerate.
This is not a new version as its a small bugfix update.
- Changed config layout.
(Should automagically adjust)
Note: This is a big update, and currently, experimental.
- Added a complete new scoreboard refresh system. (more below)
- Added /kb send Command to send a message (actionbar/title) to players.
- Added /kb sendall command to send a message to all players.
- Added /kb setall <group> to change groups for everyone.
The new method vs the old.
In the old method, each user had a scoreboard, and each scoreboard could have upto 15 lines. Each line had its own refresh task. This meant there were upto 15 tasks
per player.
If you had a server of 100 players, KiteBoard would make 1500 tasks.
In the new method, each player has a single task for themselves, which updates all lines. This is also now been made asynchronous and thoroughly tested. custom timings show that this tasks took about 1-7ms.
Much less than the previous method, where
each task could be 0-4ms
X 15 could take 60ms. thats 53ms improvement (approximately)
There has also been a significant reduction in onJoin lagg.
If you enjoy leave a 5 star review
- Scoreboard length can now reach 64 characters on 1.13
- Fixed lowercase placeholder issues.
Tested and working with 1.13-pre7, and 1.8 There will be no more updates for 1.13 support unless a breakage occurs.
So 1.13 will be released (hopefully) on the 18th July and I think KiteBoard is pretty much ready.
I will be releasing an update as soon as SpigotMC have released an API.
Looking at the 1.13 packet specification it looks as if there will no longer be a limit on the scoreboard width. This will also bring performance improvements.
In this update:
- New placeholder system. Bringing performance improvements (built-in placeholders only)
{player-x} to {x}
{player-y} to {y}
{player-z} to {z}
{player-health} to {health}
{player-world} to {world}
Other remain as they were.
There is a new method with updating the placeholders now that should make it a lot quicker. less lagg.
Features I will be working on after 1.13 update.
- Announcements in most features (scoreboard, actionbar, title, subtitle)
- Commands for building scoreboards and triggering announcements.
- New PlaceholderAPI caching system to fix slow responses causing lagg.
- Possibly event triggers.
- New sidebar mechanism.
- Possibility for setting nametags and tablist prefix/suffix.
Please give me feedback on what features you would like to see.
There is now an option in settings.yml to enable/disable the GROUP_NO_PERMS message when a scoreboard is not available.
(disabled by default)
Remember to leave a review!
- Scoreboards now switch almost instantly whilst changing world.
- 2x Performance increase for group refresh task. (Group is stored instead of checked multiple times)
- Increased delay between showing title to stop hitches when player joins the server.
- Emphasise reflection features on the front page. (title, subtitle, actionbar and tablist)
Coming soon:
Better support for multiple tab list lines with animations.
(Currently you use \n to seperate lines but this does not function with animations.)
Configuration fixes.
Do you have any suggestions? please sent them.
Ideas Ive been thinking of
- event triggers
- announcement boards.
- More documentation for permissions.
- API Fixes.
- Board generation fixes.
Please remember to leave a 5 star review
- Prepared for 1.13.
1.13 may allow unlimited scoreboard lines.
If you have any questions or suggestions please send me a Spigot PM.
- Cleaned any unused imports.
- Adjusted reload times from 5 seconds to 1 second to show the scoreboard after a reload is complete.
Fixes "frame test" showing when certain animations/placeholders combined used.
If you have any questions or issues.
Please contact me via a PM
Thank you.
Hey everyone thanks for buying KiteBoard. I really appreciate it.
Over the next few weeks I will be doing my best to get a new framework update out.
However if 1.13 is released during this period before the framework update is out, I will release a minor update for 1.13 support.
- The sound tag has been reimplemented, but is still experimental.
Unused functions have been replaced with 2 single functions that adjust to purpose.
- <Center> tag and functions have been completely removed until further notice.
- Performance improvements with animations.
I also would like ideas for other plugins. Ideally something original, with animation features such as KiteBoard. Thanks!
A reminder that the pulse effect is here. <pulse>
- Minor bug fixes and debug message removal.
- Fixed update notes and notice board system.
I have now finished my exams.
I will begin updating KiteBoard as soon as possible.
- This fixes an issue present in version 1.7.0.
- <center> and assisting functions have been deactivated to improve performance until this is fixed.
1.7.0: Please delete messages.yml for an updated version to generate
Thank You!
If you have any problems or questions, please contact me via PM.
Please read this as it affects you if you're updating.
- Inventory interface updated.
- Added debug subcommand to create a report for troubleshooting.
- Changed toggle to on/off
- Added set subcommand to change board group
- Added reset subcommand to turn off override.
- <center> temporarily removed until further notice.
- Added new default board
- Added two additional boards to go with the plugin.
- Added messages configuration for the Inventory interface.
NOTICE: You will need to delete your messages.yml to allow it to regenerate.
A new framework update will be released in June/July. This will make the plugin faster and more reliable.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me via PM. Thank you.
Please read this! It contains important information.
- New default configuration added.
Temporary removed <url> and <sound> due to problems with practicality and performance.
- Performance improvements. (with animations)
- Fixed dynamic/on demand tasking and placeholder refreshing.
- More accurate judgement on dynamic/on demand methods.
A major framework update will be released in June/July. this will include major performance improvements and more configuration options. Especially targeting the onjoin performance.
Thank you!
If you have any questions or suggestions. Please contact me via PM!
- Scoreboard is now reinstated when leaving a BedwarsRel game.
- Issue fixed where scoreboard shows before properly loaded.
(A performance issue has been detected, this may cause lagg)
I need to fix this in 1.6.17 later this week.
Please Read This
A new framework will be released in June/July to replace 2016-03
This will have major performance improvements.
Tablist, Title and Actionbar
may be removed from KiteBoard, and put into two separate, more customisable plugins.
If this is decided, buyers of KiteBoard will receive free copy of these new plugins.
I would like your opinions on this.
- You can now get data from a remote server, this can be implemented into a scroller and other effects.
- Added scoreboard sounds!
Warning: This is experimental, not extensively tested, http get delay may cause problems.
More info:
- Fixed scoreboard loading delay of registering components.
- Fixed internal dynamics.
new Pulse and fade animation effects!
Async scheduling option in config.
PlayerManager async tasking for better performance.
Happy Christmas!
25% off = 3.75!
I have exams coming up soon so I only have time for small updates and bugfixes.
- Fixed those really annoying debug messages being printed to the console on startup.
I have tested on 1.12.2 and it seems to work.
If you have any porblems please send me a PM with the Error Log from the Console.
- Added <center> tags for almost perfect centering.
- Fixed resource server new urls.
- Animations in animations.
e.g <center><rainbow>me center</rainbow></center>
(makes a centered rainbow)
- Centering also adjusts to placeholder changes!
- Migrated to new Spigot legacy API.
Release bang on 11:00?
- Added support for 1.12 reflection.
- Cleaned up some of the large debug messages in server log.
- 25% off for this week possibly more
- Fixed inventory problems crashing the plugin
- Full 1.7 Support (Scoreboard only)
Note: You cannot get reflection features on below server version 1.8!!
Hopefully this hasnt decreased the speed of the plugin, I'm using a custom method for things such as getting online players, etc.
Async support has been delayed until 1.6.12 // 1.7.0
This is update changes how config is read, so you will need to backup your config file and let a new one re-generate...
- Added easier animations, no more animations.yml they can simply be in settings.yml
- Added option to disable the "Notice Board"
- Config version 4 now
- Noticeboard now contains information about failed boards, config errors and important info.
- Hopefully fixed a number of issues that were based on the old config.
- Removed masses of unused code following the reflection re-write.
- Variables (Unsupported on some preset animations) in Titles, Tablist, Actionbar
- You can have seperate intervals for Tab Header and Footer and also Titles and Subtitles.
Merry Christmas 25% Off!!
This update adds support 1.11 reflection features.
An notification board has been added and will appear on join if the player has "kiteboard.notify" permission.
Removed the animated Inventory title since it was jumpy and possibly affect performance.
Fixed the plugin crashing whilst trying to load a ".DS_Store" or "Thumbs.db" Files.
Some of the text interface looks cleaner, I think.
Fixed scoreboard manager not removing old scoreboards on player disconnect.
- Fixed 1.9.4 not working.
- Added new status command messages and startup messages.
- Fixed the updater waiting for response causing hang in server start.
You will get messages on startup that can help trouble shoot.
- Added 1.10 support for titles, action bars, header and footer.
If placeholders (PlaceholderAPI) are not working please notify me!
This was a hectic update, first my IDE broke so had to fix that then could not find any reason for the error.
Tested on placeholder api
Tested on placeholder api 2.4.1
If using the placeholder api versions that support extension and injectors, make sure you have downloaded the extensions you need for example, player, server.
Enjoy the update!