JustSpawn icon

JustSpawn -----

Create a spawn, set a spawn, and use /spawn.

Using The Plugin
I'm sure many of you will agree that knowing how to use a plugin is important, so that's what this section is for. It's a pretty simple plugin though.

/spawn => This command will take you to spawn in 5 seconds.
Permission: justspawn.spawn
/setspawn => This command is for setting your spawn at your chosen location.
Permission: justspawn.setspawn
/void toggle => This command lets you toggle void teleportation on and off.
/void y (number) => This command lets you choose a certain y level when a players falls to that y level or below that level they will be teleported back to spawn.

Are you making a lobby or some sorts, then you can use the forcespawn via the config.yml . This will make sure when a player joins they will spawn on the spawn that is been set by you.

Can a player die for some reason and you want them to respawn at the spawn? Well, there is an option in the config.yml to enable or disable this!

How to get the correct config.yml?
Go to the documentation tab, copy the whol config.yml or copy the lines you are missing and replace it with the config.yml you have existing in your server.

Soon Updates?
Yes, this plugin will be updated farther in the future to create the best lobby or spawn, just with one single plugin.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 44
First Release: Sep 2, 2024
Last Update: Sep 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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