Horrible plugin. Use Lootin instead of this horror. Ahahahaha opening chests is funny, with custom-gui and chest sound, horrifying. No protection from explosions, no protection from block replacements (mushroom growth) - I have not seen a worse plugin on Lootr, but sorry - here it is!
It's sad to hear that you have had a bad experience with my plugin but still thank you for your feedback even though you could've told me about those issues on github, discord or spigot instead of making fun of my plugin.
When making this plugin I simply forgot to do something about simple things like that and I'll fix them with the next update 2.1.0 (latest version at the time of this response is 2.0.3)
A lot of work went into making this plugin which even helped the creator of Lootin to improve his plugin (spigot contributions made just to make this plugin possible as it is today).
Also as a side note, all things that you don't like about JustLootIt are also present with Lootin.
Version: 1.5.2
Just what I have been looking for. The bad thing about multiplayer minecraft is that all loot have already been looted this will help alot"
Thanks for your review!
I'm not sure what exactly you mean, in general JustLootIt does the same as Lootin however JustLootIt supports more types of containers, stores containers differently which means less RAM usage overall, it also fully supports custom items which Lootin does not as far as I am aware and you can easily install JustLootIt after you already played on the map and probably conver a lot of not yet looted containers to JustLootIt ones if that is wanted (same with item frames).
Another thing that JustLootIt can and Lootin can't is having refreshable loot and custom loot containers as well as linked loot containers. (the linkage does not work across worlds).
In general JustLootIt was created because of the lack of updates of Lootin in the beginning of 2023 and I even made Spigot contributions to get better performance overall (which also improved Lootin in a way). My aim with this plugin was to provide an alternative to Lootin which even works on Folia (which Lootin does not to my knowledge) and that tries to use as less memory, ram or cpu resources as possible and provide even more features than Lootin does right now.
EDIT: Also I hate plugins with necessary dependencies in order to get full functionality and since you need ProtocolLib in order to use the "Per player elytra" visual functionality of Lootin this was also a concern when making JustLootIt.
Version: 1.4.1
very well made plugin with a lot of though put behind it, I got help with my issues using it on Paper fixed very quickly!