JoinerLeaver is a plugin able to edit Join and Leave message for people that maybe don't use plugins like EssentialsX or they have problems with this feature on them, this plugin is born for that.
Code (YAML):
# Colors and other # &0 - Black # &1 - Dark Blue # &2 - Dark Green # &3 - Dark Aqua # &4 - Dark Red # &5 - Dark Purple # &6 - Gold # &7 - Gray # &8 - Dark Gray # &9 - Blue # &a - Green # &b - Aqua # &c - Red # &d - Light Purple # &e - Yellow # &f - White # &k - Magic # &l - Bold # &m - Strike # &n - Underline # &o - Italic # &r - Reset # If you don't want this guide on your config you can delete it message:
join: "&2%player% &ajoined the server"# When player joins the server leave: "&4%player% &cleft the server"# When player leaves the server no-permission: "&cYou don't have Permission!"# When player doesn't have permission success-reload: "&aJoinerLeaver is successfully reloaded"# When JoinerLeaver gets reloaded
For any problem don't hesitate to make an issue on GitHub!