Fix PlaceholderAPI placeholders not working in server and world commands.
Add an option to disable saving player data. This option will break the first-join-only options for commands.
New Configuration Options:
Code (YAML):
# Set this to true to disable player data files. # Using this option will cause problems with the 'first-join-only' options. disable-player-data: false
Fixed proxy join commands delay not being set correctly. The delay should now be working correctly (1 = 1 second). Thanks to Olivo and SnapixLP on discord for helping me fix this.
Bug Fixes: - Fixed world join commands executing every time, even if the option `first join only` was set to true
- Fixed world join commands using the wrong check for `first join only`
There are no major changes so this update should still be compatible with versions as low as 1.8 and as high as 1.14.1
Recode Time! - Started from scratch and remade the plugin
- The jar file now works for both Bukkit and BungeeCord
- There should be support for 1.8 - 1.14
- If you find any bugs, please report them on my discord
- Added support for bungeecord commands (requires you to install JoinCommandsBungee in the bungeecord proxy)
- Added support for permissions
- Added support for commands that will only run the first time a player joins
- Added support for commands executed as the player
- Added support for commands executed as the player with OP perms