JetsSellChests is an easy to use auto-sell chest plugin.
Players can be given chests that they can place down that will automatically sell it's contents (Based on either ShopGUIPlus or Essentials prices), chests can have pre-defined boosters that players may use.
Chests save stats (such as the amount of money it has made) over restarts as blocks , or while it is in the players inventory.
Come and join our official Discord Server!
Chests will auto-sell over a predefined time
Holograms - Players can turn them on/off as they wish!
ShopGUIPlus and Essentials prices currently supported
Send money into a Faction or players balance
Chests Stats
Setup as many different types of chests, with different boosters / messages as you want
1.8 - 1.20 Supported
No silly sign needed on the front
Give a user a message every time a sellchest sells, or every X amount of minutes with the sum he/she has made!
Hopefully this GIF sums up the plugin well:
Shift-Clicking the chest also gives stats as a message that you may create
General commands:
/JetsSellChests about - Displays information about the plugin
Admin Commands:
/JetsSellChests give <player> <chest> <amount> - gives a specified player a sellchest -
jetssellchests.admin.give /JetsSellChests list - gives information about all sell chests available - jetssellchests.admin.list
- Plop jar into /plugins folder
- Install Vault
- Install and configure the prices for either ShopGUIPlus or Essentials
(Contact me if you want a different sell-plugin added)
Code (Text):
# #
# JetsAutoSellChests #
# Created by Jet315 #
# #
#The prefix that is shown before the plugin
plugins_prefix: "&eSellChests &7» "
# -- Plugin Settings --
#The delay, in seconds, of how often chests will update
#Changing this to a larger number will increase performance however may degrade user experience
check_delay: 1
# %TIME_IN_SECONDS% - The delay this chest has in selling
# %BOOSTER% - The booster this sell chest has
# %MONEYMADE% - money this chest has made
#Removing chests from here will also delete them from ingame, so beware.
basicsellchest: #Used in the give command
chest_type: TIMER #The type, currently only TIMER
booster: 1.5 #The money booster it gives
sell_delay: 300 #In seconds
name: "&aBasic Auto &eSellChest"
- " "
- "&7This chest will automatically"
- "&7Sell contents within it"
- " "
- "&eDelay: &b%TIME_IN_SECONDS%"
- "&eBooster: &b%BOOSTER%"
- "&e$$$: &b$%MONEYMADE%"
- " "
- "&eRarity: &bCommon"
- "&bThis chest will sell in &e%TIME_IN_SECONDS%&bs"
- "&bMoney Made: &e$%MONEYMADE%"
- "&bBooster: &e%BOOSTER%"
shift_click_message: "&aThis &eSellChest &ahas profited &b$%MONEYMADE%&a, the next time it will sell is in &b%TIME_IN_SECONDS% &aseconds"
supersellchest: #Used in the give command
chest_type: TIMER #The type, currently only TIMER
booster: 2.0 #The money booster it gives
sell_delay: 120 #In seconds
name: "&cSuper Auto &eSellChest"
- " "
- "&7This chest will automatically"
- "&7Sell contents within it"
- " "
- "&eDelay: &b%TIME_IN_SECONDS%"
- "&eBooster: &b%BOOSTER%"
- "&e$$$: &b$%MONEYMADE%"
- " "
- "&eRarity: &cRare"
- "&bThis chest will sell in &e%TIME_IN_SECONDS%"
- "&bMoney Made: &e$%MONEYMADE&bs%"
- "&bBooster: &e%BOOSTER%"
shift_click_message: "&aThis &eSellChest &ahas profited &b$%MONEYMADE%&a, the next time it will sell is in &b%TIME_IN_SECONDS% &aseconds"
# Messages file for JetsSellChests
no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission for this command"
unknown_command: "&cUnknown command!"
cannot_place_chest_here: "&cYou cannot place this chest here!"
#message when a sell chest sells, placeholder: %MONEYMADE%, use "" for no message
sellchest_sell: "&bOne of your &eSellChests&b &bhas just made you &e$%MONEYMADE%"
Any problems, questions or suggestions either join our
Discord or send me a
PM here, on Spigot - I'm pretty active
By buying this plugin you agree to the following terms:
You will not chargeback - If you have a problem message me, in most cases I will happily refund the purchase (If within 48 Hours of purchase, and it's an issue that I cannot resolve for example)
I cannot guarantee support indefinitely.
Very little metrics, including Plugin version, players on the server and Server version is collected
You may not redistribute or resell this plugin
I may refuse to give you support with or without any specific reason
If you have an issue with this plugin, please contact me before leaving a 1 or low star rating
I can update this terms of use at any time, without notification